Picross X: Picbits vs Uzboross gameplay
Posted on 2 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments
Picross X: Picbits vs Uzboross has received a new batch of gameplay. After it initially appeared in Japan, the title saw a worldwide release in other regions a few days ago.
Here’s the official eShop description with more details:
Picross X: Picbits vs Uzboross coming to the west this December
Posted on 2 years ago by Nicolas in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Original (10/3): Picross X: Picbits vs Uzboross originally launched in Japan last August, but unlike Jupiter’s Picross S games, it didn’t receive a worldwide release. It seems Jupiter is now rectifying this, as players in Europe and North America will be able to enjoy the title when it releases in the West this November.
Picross X: Picbits vs Uzboross is a more involved version of Jupiter’s Picross S titles, containing more customization options and wackier game modes. The game will also feature a co-op mode, which all Picross S games were recently updated with.
Jupiter announces Picross X: Picbits vs. Uzboross for Switch
Posted on 2 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Jupiter has revealed its latest Picross experience for Switch, which is titled Picross X: Picbits vs. Uzboross. Although it will initially launch on August 4 in Japan, a western version will follow at a later date.
Here’s the first trailer: