Pokemon Masters – Sabrina & Alakazam Spotlight Scout and Ghost Training event now live
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
New events are now live in Pokemon Masters, allowing players to take a chance on Scouting the Sync Pair of Sabrina & Alakazam. Additionally, players can take advantage of the Ghost Type training event to level their Pokemon quickly. Take a look below at the scout page for Sabrina:
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters
Pokemon Masters: DeNA outlines changes coming to the game – reduced grind, Legendary Arena, Eggs and more
Posted on 5 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Pokemon Masters had a bit of a rough start, but since then, DeNA have been steadily improving the game, adding new content and improving quality of life aspects, and they’ve been actively communicating with players. Today, they announced some more changes coming to Pokemon Masters to make the game a more pleasant experience. Here’s an overview of the changes that are planned:
- Reducing the number of times you have to battle in order to get rewards from events
- Improving the Sync Grid system
- New feature – Legendary Arena: extremely difficulty battles against Legendary Pokemon; planned for release this Summer
- battles against opponents like Elite Four members and Champions will be more challenging and more rewarding
- New feature – Medals, a kind of achievement system
- New feature – Pokemon Eggs: with this feature, players will be able change the partner Pokemon of the player character, and they’ll be able to freely choose from a selection of fan-favorite Pokemon
- Bonus effects based on team composition will be introduced – for example, using a team with only trainers from the Kanto region will give all of them a boost in battle
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters
Pokemon Masters – 3/6/2020 events roundup
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
Here are the latest events in Pokemon Masters:
- Spotlight Scout: Grimsley & Liepard; Karen & Houndoom are both featured pairs
- The Lurking Shadow events with Giovanni & Mewtwo has made a return with changes made due to player feedback.
- The Electric-type training event has made a return, allowing players to level their teams through the challenges.
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters
Pokemon Masters: Red & Charizard and Elesa & Rotom Spotlight Scout now live, Battle Villa now available, 6-month celebration
Posted on 5 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
It’s a big day for Pokemon Masters as several major additions have been made to the game. First up, the new Battle Villa game mode is now available. You can challenge this endurance-based game mode with a roster of up to 9 sync pairs and unlock rewards such as the new Lucky Skills. Make sure to read the in-game notification for an in-depth explanation of this new game mode.
As was announced yesterday, the Sygna Suit Red & Charizard Spotlight Scout is now live. This is a Poke Fair scout meaning you’ll have a 5% chance of getting a 5-star sync pair. The scout will be available until March 16.
A second new Spotlight Scout is also available, featuring Sygna Suit Elesa & Rotom. This one will also run until March 16. Even if you don’t scout Elesa, you can get to know her in the new Story Event “Shining Star”. You can obtain several rewards in this event such as Elite Four Notes and level-up manuals.
Finally, the game is nearing its 6-month anniversary. To celebrate, up to 3,000 Gems will be given away as log-in bonuses and there are also new limited-time missions that let you earn extra rewards.
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters
Pokemon Masters: Sygna Suit Red & Charizard trailer, coming to the game tomorrow; 3,000 gems gift for all players
Posted on 5 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in Mobile, News, Videos | 0 comments
The Pokemon Company released a new trailer for Pokemon Masters, showing off the latest addition to the roster: Sygna Suit Red & Charizard. The sync pair will be available via a Poke Fair-exclusive Spotlight Scout starting tomorrow.
Also, since today is Pokemon Day, the anniversary of the franchise, 3,000 gems have been distributed to all players.
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters
Pokemon Masters update out now (version
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
A new update is now live for Pokemon Masters. Players can now download the 33MB update on all platforms. While not as big or feature-packed as the last update, this one does bring with it the following:
- Bug fixes and improvements implemented.
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters
Pokemon Masters: Story Event and Spotlight Scout featuring Sygna Suit Elesa & Rotom coming soon
Posted on 5 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in Mobile, News, Videos | 0 comments
A couple of days ago, it was announced that Sygna Suit Elesa & Rotom would be coming to Pokemon Masters soon. Today, we got a few more details: the sync pair will be available via a Spotlight Scout, and there will also be a special story event featuring them. We don’t have an exact date yet for when they will arrive in the game, but it should be within the next couple of days. Finally, here’s a look at their sync move:
バディーズサーチに「★5 マジコスカミツレ&ロトム」が登場予定です!「マジコスカミツレ&ロトム」のバディーズわざ「華々しく魅せる本気の10まんボルト」をご紹介します!#ポケマス #カミツレ #ロトム pic.twitter.com/mrJ1655viQ
— 【公式】ポケマスEXだいすきクラブ (@pokemas_game) February 25, 2020
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters
Pokemon Masters – New story content and Sync Pair evolutions now in game
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
A host of new content has arrived in Pokemon Masters, including story chapters 22-24. During the course of gameplay, trainers will meet and befriend the Sync Pair of Valerie & Sylveon. A special paid-currency only 5☆ Select Special Scout is available until March 16th, as well. Additionally, new evolutions are now available for existing Sync Pairs. You can see a trailer below showcasing the new evolutions from the Japanese Pokemon Masters account:
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters
Pokemon Masters – Sygna Suit Elesa & Rotom to arrive in game
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
Elesa and Rotom are arriving as a special pair in Pokemon Masters. Elesa is fitted with the Sygna Suit, a special costume that is said to strengthen the connection between the Pokemon and Trainer. Elesa’s Sygna Suit has a special rotom-themed color scheme. Are you looking forward to this sync pair?
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters
Pokemon Masters update out now (version 1.7.0)
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
An update has arrived for Pokemon Masters, and with it come a host of changes and a new feature. You can see the the patch notes below:
Update Details
• Added new Lucky Skill feature.
• Sync pair level caps have been adjusted.
• Increased XP awards for select areas.
• Adjusted the number of days interrupted data is saved in the system to a maximum of seven days.
• Completed other minor game improvements and bug fixes.