Pokemon Shuffle update (1/3/17): Mega Mewtwo X, Salamence, more
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in 3DS eShop, News | 1 Comment
The weekly Pokemon Shuffle update has hit, bringing a competition against Mega Mewtwo X, as well as chances to catch Salamence, Lugia, and a host of daily Pokemon. The notable Mega Mewtwo X competition will let players try to earn some Mewtwonite X by landing a high score in the competition. It runs until January 10, and the prizes are listed below:
A new stage has begun for Salamence, as well as returns of Lugia and Daily Pokemon (#4). That last stage features Wynaut, Torkoal, Zangoose, Luvdisc, and Seviper, alternating on a daily basis. Salamence will be around until January 10, while the other two stages will run until the 17th.
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Pokemon Shuffle update (12/27/16): Tornadus, Kyurem, winking Pokemon
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in News | 0 comments
The latest update to Pokemon Shuffle brings chances for some more rare Pokemon. A new stage has started for Tornadus (Therian Forme), as well as repeat runs for White Kyurem and many Winking Pokemon. The Tornadus and Kyurem stages will run until December 10, while the Winking stage will run until the 3rd, featuring a different Winking Pokemon daily. Today features Charmander, followed by Squirtle (Wednesday), Bulbasaur (Thursday), Jigglypuff (Friday), and Clefairy (Monday).
Also, a competition for Mega Mewtwo X and a stage featuring Salamence will be in next week’s update, so get ready for that!
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Mew and Mewtwo added to Pokemon Shuffle
Posted on 8 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Two new stages have been added to Pokemon Shuffle on both 3DS and mobile today. A Mew Escalation Battle will run until January 10th. As per usual, you can get more rewards the more you play this stage; this includes Mega Speedups and Raise Max Levels.
A special stage featuring Mewtwo has also been added. It will run into January 3th.
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Pokemon Shuffle update (12/20/16): new main stages, Rayquaza competition, more
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in 3DS | 0 comments
Pokemon Shuffle’s weekly update has arrived, and, most importantly, it brings along new stages for devoted players. If you’ve gotten up through Stage 450, you can now access Stage 451 and more.
In the Special Stages, there is a competitive stage featuring Rayquaza. Players who Check In will receive a Rayquaza as a gift, and you can also take on the competitive stage to earn more prizes. The stage lasts until December 27, and the prizes are as follows:
Finally, repeat runs have begun for Hoopa Confined, Zygarde Complete, and Arceus, which will last until January 3.
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Pokemon Shuffle update starts to bring holiday cheer
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in 3DS | 0 comments
As we enter the holiday season, Pokemon Shuffle is getting in on the fun as well. A special stage featuring a Delibird (Holiday) has started, as well as a safari that features Lillipup, Herdier, Stoutland, and Holiday versions of Vanillite, Cubchoo, Snover, and Pikachu. These two stages will run until December 26. For the Delibird stage, Delibird gets easier to catch each day.
Additionally, there are stages for Reshiram and Black Kyruem, both of which run until the 27th. Happy Holidays, and catch ’em all!
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Pokemon Shuffle update (12/6/16): Mega Abomasnow, Tyrantrum, Infernape, Emboar
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in 3DS | 0 comments
Pokemon Shuffle’s weekly update features a Mega Stone competition, this time a return of Mega Abomasnow. The competition will run until December 13. To earn the Abomasite (if you don’t already have it), you’ll need to be in the top 12,000 players in Europe, 18,000 players in North America, or 60,000 in Japan. Other prizes are as follows:
Anyone who already has Abomasite but qualifies to earn it will get a Level Up.
Three other stages have been added: a new stage featuring Tyrantrum, and repeat runs for Emboar and Infernape. Tyrantrum will run until the 13th, while Emboar and Infernape will run until the 20th.
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Pokemon Shuffle update features Archeops, Zekrom, Kyurem, more
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
This week’s Pokemon Shuffle update features a new stage for Archeops, a special stage for Moltres, and repeat runs for Typholosion, Zekrom, and a Kyurem escalation battle. The Moltres stage will run until December 6, while all the other stages run until the 13th.
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Pokemon Shuffle update brings Mega Camerupt and more
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in 3DS | 0 comments
This week’s Pokemon Shuffle update brings several challenges, including a new Mega competition. This time, players will face Mega Camerupt to try and earn Cameruptite. The competition will run until November 29. The top 12,000 players in Europe, 18,000 players in North America, and 60,000 in Japan will earn the Mega Stone, with other prizes as follows:
Other stages include a new stage for Greninja, a new stage featuring Breloom, and repeat runs of Keldeo Ordinary Form and Daily Pokemon (#1). The Daily Pokemon stage will feature a different Rotom form every day, starting with Frost, then to Heat, Wash, Mow, and Fan. The Greninja stage will run until November 29, while the other stages run until December 6.
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Pokemon Shuffle update (11/15/16): Carracosta, Talonflame, Articuno, and a safari
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in 3DS | 0 comments
It’s time, yet again, for new Special Stages in Pokemon Shuffle. This week brings a new stage featuring Carracosta, as well as repeat runs of Talonflame, Articuno, and a safari. The safari features Roggenrola, Fletchling, Boldore, Fletchinder, Numel, Gigalith, and Camerupt. Carracosta, Talonflame, and the safari will run until November 29, while Articuno will run until the 22nd.
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Pokemon Shuffle update brings Mega Sharpedo, Meloetta, Medicham, and more
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in 3DS | 0 comments
The usual update for Pokemon Shuffle has arrived and, as announced last week, the main highlight is a competition against Mega Sharpedo, along with battles against Meloetta, Medicham, and a Daily Pokemon Challenge.
The Mega Sharpedo stage will see players competing to get Sharpedonite, lasting until November 15. The top 12,000 players in Europe, 18,000 players in North America, and 60,000 in Japan will earn the Mega Stone, with other prizes as follows:
A Meloetta (Aria Forme) Escalation Battle and Medicham battle are new, and the Daily Pokemon (#6) stage returns. The Daily Pokemon will rotate which Pokemon is available daily, between Tyrogue, Castform, Mantyke, Solrock, and Seviper. Meloetta and the Daily Pokemon will run until November 22, while Medicham will run until the 15th.