Nintendo UK on Yo-kai Watch’s western potential, says “3DS has still got a big life ahead of it”
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 18 Comments
As part of a new feature on Yo-kai Watch, MCV spoke with Nintendo UK product manager Remy van Leeuwen about the series.
First, van Leeuwen discussed Yo-kai Watch’s potential in the west. The Yo-kai themselves, their emotional abilities, and the comedy aspect could all help to connect with kids.
He said:
“It is difficult to say whether it will have the same impact in the West, but I definitely think that there is a lot of potential for it, especially working together with the likes of [toy company] Hasbro and [TV company] Turner. Everyone is going to back it to its fullest. Because of the nature of Yo-kai and their emotional abilities, it makes it quite easy for kids to relate to them. For instance, there is a Yo-kai called Cheeksqueek, which basically makes people fart. That’s been a hit with kids in our research.”
“One of the other key aspects that will definitely resonate with kids in the UK is the comedy aspect to it. The characters themselves are just funny, and they’re quite deep, too. We will be trying to bring that out in our campaign.”