Someone found a prototype SNES PlayStation / CD-ROM drive
Posted on 9 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in General Nintendo, News | 11 Comments
As you might know, in the early 90s Sony worked together with Nintendo to create a CD-ROM drive add-on for the Super Nintendo – however, this device never made it to store shelves as Nintendo made a similar deal with Phillips behind Sony’s back. Nintendo and Sony went their separate ways with Sony creating their own consoles, a rivalry that defined the video game business for over 2 decades now.
Yesterday, someone on the r/gaming subreddit (currently inaccessible) posted of an SNES-CD prototype – notable because reportedly only about 200 of those were ever created. Check out the images in our gallery below – quite strange to see both the Sony and PlayStation trademarks on an SNES controller, right?
It is currently not known what is on the cartridge shown in the picture, or if the prototype still works.
A look at some SNES CD-ROM documents, including specs
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 3 Comments
Way, way back in the day, Nintendo and Sony were once considering a partnership for a CD-based console. The collaboration never materialized, but documents have surfaced showing specs for the product and more. You can find the full set in the gallery above.