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Red Art Games recently announced Old Man’s Journey as its first physical release on Switch. Next up on the docket is Stay, which came to the eShop last September. Pre-orders open this Thursday.

Aside from the game itself, buyers will be given a few extra goodies. These include DLC, a booklet with spritesheets and concept art, digital soundtrack, and a “special surprise code”.


Stay footage

Posted on 5 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments


Footage has emerged for Stay, one of the latest games to have joined the Switch eShop. Take a look at the gameplay below.


PQube has prepared a launch trailer to highlight Stay’s arrival on various platforms today, including Switch. See the video below.


PQube and Appnormals Team announced Stay for Switch last month. Thanks to a listing on the eShop, we now know that it’s launching in a couple of weeks.

We have the following overview and trailer for the pixel-art adventure game:


STAY is coming to Switch, PQube and Appnormals Team announced today. A release is scheduled for this summer.

STAY, a pixel-art adventure game featuring multiple routes and endings, involves a therapist named Quinn who finds himself trapped in a strange room with only a computer hooked up to an internet chat room. It’ll be your job to help him escape.

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