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Virtual Console

Konami kept up with its TurboGrafx-16 releases on the Wii U Virtual Console last week with Bonk’s Revenge. Take a look at some footage below.

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Download

NBA Playgrounds – $19.99 (available Tuesday)
ACA NeoGeo Blazing Star – $7.99

Switch Demo

Blaster Master Zero

Konami is cranking out a new game for the Wii U Virtual Console. In North America, Bonk’s Revenge will be out tomorrow. It was originally made for the TurboGrafx-16.

Nintendo’s listing has the following overview:

“Taking place in the Monster Kingdom, Bonk the Caveman makes his way toward King Drool III. Bonk’s Revenge is a side-scrolling action game in which you Jump and “Bonk” (headbutt) your enemies while you make your way to the goal at the end of each stage. Double, even triple, your attack power by eating the meat that appears in a stage. There are 8 different hidden bonus stages, and the Dinosaur Train that appears after you defeat a boss will change depending on how many Smileys you’ve collected. With new actions such as the Triangle Jump and the ability to climb trees, as well as 7 variety–packed stages, Bonk’s Revenge will keep you playing over and over.”

Bonk’s Revenge will be priced at $5.99.


Nintendo released official videos for Dragon Egg!, Hiso Kihei Kai Serd, and Moto Roader MC on the Japanese Wii U Virtual Console. Watch them below.

A few new games out came out this week on the Wii U and 3DS eShops. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a look at the gallery below.

Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Download

ACA NeoGeo Fatal Fury – $7.99
Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap – $19.99

Wii U Download

Booty Diver – $7.99
MOP: Operation Cleanup – $5.00
Orbit – $1.49
WinKings – $9.99
Zombeer – $4.99

The North American Wii U Virtual Console is being updated this week with two surprise Rayman games. Tomorrow, Ubisoft will be putting out both Rayman 3 and Rayman Advance on the eShop.

Here’s an overview of Rayman 3:

Along with World Sports Competition, Super Star Soldier also hit the North American Wii U Virtual Console on Thursday. View some footage below.

Last Thursday, World Sports Competition landed on the Wii U Virtual Console in both North America and Europe. Watch some footage of the classic game below.

A few new games out came out this week on the Wii U and 3DS eShops. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a look at the gallery below.

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