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Capcom promises more to come for Ace Attorney

Posted on September 28, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Ace Attorney interview future

Capcom has been doing quite a bit with Ace Attorney over the past few years, at least when it comes to bringing back the series’ various titles for current consoles. It also sounds like the company won’t be ending things with the recently-released Ace Attorney Investigations Collection.

In an interview with Capcom’s Kenichi Hashimoto, NetLab brought up how Ace Attorney merchandise was been pretty popular in Japan as of late. That eventually led to the following exchange (translated by Nintendo Everything):

Fans often have the expectation that “buying merchandise leads towards the next game”, but is there any truth to that?

Hashimoto: That’s exactly right. After all, the support from passionate fans is something that’s recognized not just by us developers, but also the company as a whole, including management, so it’s very important.

Of course, the sales from goods don’t just directly become the development budget for new games, it leads into talks about “how to proceed going forth with this amount of popularity”, so merchandise sales is an important indicator.

Hashimoto would again offer hope towards the end of the interview, stating that there’s more content to come for Ace Attorney. He said:

“The Ace Attorney series won’t stop producing content. We definitely have a lot of directions we want to further grow in, including mixed media. There’s things we’d want to talk about when the time comes that we can reveal something, but for now I can’t say much.”

Hashimoto actually said some similar remarks at the start of the year (we translated those comments here). Then a few months later, Capcom announced Ace Attorney Investigations Collection, a milestone release as one of the DS games was finalized localized for fans out of Japan. But with Capcom bringing back so many past titles, one can only wonder if and when we’ll see a brand new entry in the franchise – hopefully that’ll happen sooner rather than later.

Translation provided by SatsumaFS, Simon Griffin, and Philip Proctor on behalf of Nintendo Everything.

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