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“I’m extremely disappointed. I’ve had this conversation with every publisher who makes content that is not available on my platform. The conversation goes like this: ‘We have a 22-million unit installed base. We have a very diverse audience… We have active gamers that hunger for this type of content. And why isn’t it available?’ I think for those games [Modern Warfare 2, Assassin’s Creed 2], typically decisions are being made two years prior. And so the decisions two years ago were that those types of games would not be effective on the platform. But we’ve shown that that’s just not the case. High-quality, effectively marketed against our installed base will sell, period end of story.” – Reggie Fils-Aime

“The fundamental issue in the logic flow is that — and this is what I’m hearing, whether it’s from you or Geoff or Michael himself — is that, gosh it’s such an opportunity to take HD capability and link it with the Wii. And what we have said, repeatedly, is that that’s not the way we at Nintendo do things. The way we at Nintendo do things is, you know, when we will move to a new generation, it’s because there are some fundamental things the [current] console cannot do. What that says is that simply the addition of HD capability will not be the next step for us. There will be more to it. There will be additional capability. There will be additional elements, and, given that, it is far into the future. Not to announce [a new Wii for 2010] with you here today.” – Reggie Fils-Aime

When Nintendo’s next console is unveiled, I don’t expect HD graphics to be the focal point. Like the Wii, I’m sure the company has something else in store that will be much more significant. With that said, I wouldn’t be surprised if something like a Wii HD was announced – Just look what Nintendo is doing with the DSi!


Robot Rescue trailer

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments

Thanks to Johannes for the news tip!


16 November, 2009 – Since it launched in May last year, WiiWare has become the source for Wii owners around the world to try some of the most creative ideas from both top developers and independent studios.

From today and for a limited period* you will be able to try some of the best examples for free* thanks to the new Download demo service.

By connecting your Wii to the Internet you can access the Wii Shop Channel, which is continually updated with exciting and refreshing games. Downloaded games can be saved to Wii’s internal memory or an SD Card and added to the console’s Wii Menu or SD Card Menu for easy access at any time.

This information comes from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime…

“We believe that to tease fans over an extended period of time really doesn’t do the gamer just service. So, we have always been mindful of: When’s the launch date? When’s the right time to share information? How do we break information? In particular, with this game, given the Zelda dynamic — which you find out about right at the start of the game — we really wanted to keep that secret and have it be a big reveal. That is something very new and very different in a Zelda game, [having] Princess Zelda essentially playing along with you. That’s essentially what drove the strategy for how we reveal the information, when do we reveal the information and the fact that it had to be fairly late.”

“We just thought the package art we developed with [Nintendo’s Japanese headquarters office] NCL that highlights the train and highlights the Phantom… was a great representation of the game. Not at all [it doesn’t mean North American gamers want a darker Link.”


WiiWare demos video guide

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 1 Comment

Thanks to NintenDaan for the news tip!


Pokemon Rumble – 186 blocks

Indiana Jones’ Greatest Adventures – 31 blocks
Street Fighter II: Championship Edition – 32 blocks


Robot Rescue – 33 blocks
Art Style: Digidrive – 91 blocks blocks
Arcade Bowling – 27 blocks

The Official Nintendo Magazine answered a ton of reader questions and have published it in one post. We’ve picked out the questions that you guys would probably find most interesting, but you can read the whole thing here

Do they explain why Hyrule is no longer flooded?
Well, they explain why the game is set on land, yes.

Compared to Phantom Hourglass, which makes better use of the DS as a system?
I’d say Spirit Tracks. As well as having to use the stylus to control Link and Zelda, you also use the mic a lot. You’ll need to blow into the mic for Link’s Pan Pipes and the new whirlwhind weapon.

Do any story details overlap with other Zeldas?
Yes, there are recurring characters from both Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass

What’s the storyline like?
This is one of the strong points in my opinion. Out of all the ‘toon Link’ titles, it’s easily the darkest and the Phantom Zelda conceit is a great little twist. Cole is a memorable adversary, there’s plenty of fan service in the narrative and, all in all, it’s a really tight package.

“I think it sold lower than our expectations but on the other hand it was a really unique game, I have to say. And also, even today, we are receiving several different offers from people in the field of music education, so as far as Wii Music is concerned, I think is still has great potential. And in the future there might be some developments. We may want to think about the possibility of making some improvements, based upon the original Wii Music. Unfortunately we don’t have any news we can talk about at the moment. But like Wii Fit Plus, it’s not really a sequel to the original Wii Fit – but we have added some features to improve the overall experience. It’s a kind of an enhanced version of the original Wii Fit…” – Shigeru Miyamoto

I don’t think Wii Music was a terrible game – It just missed the mark in a few places. On the other hand, if the developers could touch up the game and address a few complaints (and add in some additional Nintendo music!), then I’d be all for something like Wii Music Plus.


Teyon announced that starting from today its DSiWare™ title, Robot Rescue will be available in the Nintendo DSi™ Shop. Robot Rescue can be bought for 200 Nintendo points.
Official trailer outlining the game is now available.

In Robot Rescue you need to release robots trapped in evil computer labyrinths and get them to an exit. All robots are linked together, so when you move one of them, you move them all. Most importantly you have to look out for traps! Missions are full of deadly obstacles, so be careful.
Find out more details at the game’s page.

About Teyon
Company was founded in 2006 in Kraków, Poland by people who work in the industry since 2002 (previously known as Destan). Teyon develops, produces and publishes video games for various platforms (PC, MacOS X, DS, Wii, X360, PSP, PS3). Over past years Teyon has developed many games from various genres like casual, action, racing, sim, games for mat and others.

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