Japanese Nintendo Channel video – Wii software lineup
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
Thanks to NintenDaan for the news tip!
Morgan Webb: Mario Galaxy is for kids, Ratchet and Clank not insulting to play as an adult
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 42 Comments
On a recent episode of Attack of the Show, Morgan Webb and Blair Herter discussed Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time. The two eventually moved on to the topic of A Crack in Time being one of the very few action-platformers available on the market. Webb felt that in some ways, Super Mario Galaxy may be a bit like an action-platformer, but also stated that the game “feels like its aimed so much for kids.” She went on, implying that it’s sort of insulting to play Galaxy as an adult.
“…And let’s be honest, there are no other action-platformers out there…This is it, this is it…This is the only game out there for people who like action-platformers. I mean, I guess Mario Galaxy, but Mario Galaxy feels like its aimed so much for kids. Whereas this is like for everyone, but you feel like you’re not being insulted when playing it as an adult.
Personally, I don’t believe Galaxy (nor Ratchet and Clank) is the least bit insulting, regardless of one’s age. Obviously children have played the game, but so have plenty of adults.
Thanks to Zero0 for the news tip!
New Wii accessory may send you flying
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 2 Comments
The Wii Balance Board is a pretty novel device, but it doesn’t provide players with complete realism. The FriiBoard, however, is looking to improve on the experience gamers have with titles like Shaun White’s Snowboarding.
“Built for the Wii™ Fit Balance Board and associated Wii™ motion-oriented games. You haven’t experienced Shaun White™, Tony Hawk™, or We Ski™ until you’ve snapped your balance board into our FriiBoard!™ Put new life into your old balance board games! Make all your games MORE REAL. Great for Kids and Adults alike.”
As the official description notes, the Balance Board fits right on top of the FriiBoard and you can expect the peripheral to tilt/move in a more realistic manner. It’s not exactly the safest peripheral, though. Just make sure that you’ve cleared all objects away from in case you fall off or get tossed to the side!
Excitebike: World Rally details
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
– Developed by Monster Games (Excite Truck, Excitebots)
– 3D environments, 60 FPS
– Very similar to the original
– Can pull off a wheelie over opponents moving slowly
– Hit a vehicle to cool down your engine
– Japan, Mexico, London, US locations
– Numerous circuits for each
– Receive particular rankings based on performance
– Need A or B to progress, if you get a C you have to keep trying
– Also can obtain an S rank
– Two control options (up/down for changing lanes, tilt control to learn back/forth, second option is holding left/right on the D-pad to learn back/forward)
– Game keeps track of best times, notes which control option you used with an icon
– Can adjust camera to an angled view with A button
– Track editor just like the one in the original
– Can send tracks to friends through WiiConnect24
– Online multiplayer with friends or random players
Thanks to Rob for the news tip!
Miyamoto: Sales of Star Fox games declining over the years in Japan
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 6 Comments
“I tend to forget those games [laughs]. I’m a big fan of the ‘Star Fox’ games. Every time we make a ‘Star Fox’ game I’m hoping people will enjoy it as much as I do. Of course the goal every time is to try and make it more and more fun but, at least in Japan, the people that purchase the ‘Star Fox’ games has decreased over the years. But we still try to make them more fun and hopefully people will see the appeal in those games.”
This goes to show that the Japanese and North American markets have different gaming appetites. I really, really enjoy Star Fox, though. And Zelda is another example of a series being more popular in North America than in Japan.
Famitsu sales (10/19 – 10/25)
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 5 Comments
The latest software sales estimates in Japan from Famitsu have been released. Official Media Create numbers will be posted later this week. Also, we’ll be posting Famitsu hardware figures as soon as they are available.
1. [DS] Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver
2. [WII] Wii Fit Plus
3. [DS] Tomodachi Collection
4. [DS] Inazuma Eleven 2 Fire/Blizzard
5. [DS] Rune Factory 3
6. [360] Forza 3
7. [PS3] FIFA 10
8. [PSP] Shin Sangoku Musou 5 Special
9. [Wii] Wii Sports Resort
10. [PS3] Uncharted 2
Konami announces Frogger Returns for WiiWare
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 1 Comment
Legendary Arcade Classic Hops Over to Consoles With Vintage Gameplay and 3D Graphics
El Segundo, Calif. – October 27, 2009 – Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. today announced Frogger Returns for Nintendo WiiWare™ and PlayStation®Network. Based on the timeless arcade game, the latest iteration of Frogger delivers the addictive dodge-and-run gameplay fans know and love on an all-new platform.In Frogger Returns, players are thrown back into the hustle and bustle of city life to guide their amphibious friend, Frogger, from the city back to his home marsh. Frogger Returns stays true to the classic arcade gameplay style, but is enhanced with improved graphics, a new camera angle, and new levels. Streets, sewers, subways, and numerous other obstacles and enemies are in play – all for the sake of keeping Frogger away from returning home!
Famitsu review scores
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 6 Comments
World Soccer Winning Eleven (PS3) – 9/9/9/9
Colin McRae: DiRT2 (PS3/360) – 9/8/9/9
Sakura Note (DS) – 8/7/10/8
inFamous (PS3) – 8/8/8/7
Mario & Sonic at Vancouver Olympics (Wii) – 8/8/7/8
3D Dot Game Heroes (PS3) – 8/8/7/7
NBA Live 10 (PS3/360) – 8/7/7/7