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Thanks to Jake for the news tip!

– From the developer of Glory Days 2
– Action racing mixed with capture the flag rules
– 12 characters – penguins, crocodiles, sharks, parrots, mammoths, lions
– Being released for DSi but regular DS owners can join in on multiplayer action
– 8 players in multiplayer
– 60 FPS
– Has been in development for about two years
– Releasing at the end of 2009


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This is a portion of Square Enix’s E3 2009 line-up press release:

Developer: Square Enix Co., Ltd./h.a.n.d.
Publisher: Square Enix, Inc.
Platform: Nintendo DS™
Genre: Action-RPG
ESRB: RP (Rating Pending)
Ship Date: Fall 2009

Square Enix has confirmed awhile back that Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days would be hitting North America, but now we’re slightly closer to a more specific launch date.

Capcom has had a grand old time teasing its secret E3 game. A few days ago, Christian Svensson actually stated that there had been a change of plans and that the title would hopefully surprise gamers. Now, via Capcom’s twitter account, one last hint was released.

“Capcom Mystery Game #2: all (well, some) secrets will be revealed Tuesday morning! No more hints!”

So, Capcom will begin to reveal their secrets starting Tuesday morning. But according to the notice above, there will be more goodies to follow.

“One time envisaged for a May release, the localization of the game has been cancelled and the game will stay as an Japanese exclusive game” – Official Nintendo Magazine

I can’t say that I’m surprised by this…But that doesn’t make the news any easier to swallow. Unfortunately, I don’t think we’ll ever be seeing this game release in any territory other than Japan.

Source 1, Source 2

IGN had been teasing a sequel to a dark game on the Nintendo DS and today there is finally a confirmation as to what that title is. Yep – It’s Dementium II. The first teaser trailer has been released, which can be seen below. Unsurprisingly, Renegade Kid is developing the game and SouthPeak – which acquired Gamecock Media Group – will handle publishing duties.

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