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33-year-old Robert Snively was arrested at 1:30 a.m and was charged with disorderly conduct. Snively was playing Guitar Hero, but apparently he was doing so rather loudly. Police officers arrived at the man’s house after complaints were received from neighbors. The police issued Snively a citation after hearing his excuse. He said that he became very excited while playing with a friend online, but police obviously did not believe that was an important reason to disrupt the neighborhood. Snively will need to go to court in April as a result of repeat offenses.


A consumer survey that has been sent out seems to hint at Netflix’s arrival on the Wii. If true, this would not mark the first time that the service has landed on a video game system – The Xbox 360 allows users to connect to Netflix and download movies and TV episodes. Unfortunately, there would be drawback to having the service on Wii – console owners would need to insert a disc each time to view content.


This comes once again from Capcom Product Manager Colin Ferris…

“As for Monster Hunter Tri…We’ve got some amazing stuff in it. The graphics for the Wii are like nothing you’ve seen on the system before. It’s a really pretty game. In addition, we now have underwater combat which is brand new to the series. So there are lots of sea monsters and things like that you can go after. Fans of Monster Hunter are going to be really impressed with what we accomplished with Monster Hunter Tri.”

From what I can tell from screenshots and videos of Monster Hunter 3, it does indeed look very pretty. It’ll be difficult to top Super Mario Galaxy, though!

Best Buy

Bolt (DS) – $19.99


Littlest Pet Shop: Spring (DS) – $25
Littlest Pet Shop: Garden (DS) – $25
Littlest Pet Shop: Jungle (DS) – $25

Rhythm Heaven screenshots

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 1 Comment

“We support all systems appropriately. On PSP we’ve released more than 10 titles this generation, very high quality titles and there’s more coming. DS has been home our popular Megaman Starforce and Ace Attorney series. Wii has a slew of titles (more than we’ve released on 360/PS3 to date) and a massive effort in the form of Monster Hunter Tri. In addition there’s Spyborgs and Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles which are big efforts from us too.” – Christian Svensson, Corporate Officer/VP of Strategic Planning & Business Development

As far as the Wii goes, it’s important to remember that there have been some excellent games that have been released (Okami, Zack & Wiki, Resident Evil 4, Mega Man 9), not to mention that there are other titles on the way. As far as the DS goes, Capcom has supported the system a great deal with the Phoenix Wright and Mega Man titles.

Currently, all DSi systems in Japan come with 1,000 free points when the user connects to the DSiWare shop. There hasn’t exactly been any indication that the same offer would be available for North American systems – until now. Target has confirmed that all NA DSi owners will be able to spend 1,000 free points once the shop is accessed.

“Upon initial access to Nintendo DSi Shop, 1,000 Nintendo DSi Points will be credited to your account, which you can then use to download your free Nintendo DSi-exclusive games and applications. Wireless broadband connection and acceptance of user agreement required. Nintendo DSi Shop must be accessed to receive free points.”

Source 1, Source 2

The other day, IGN posted two new videos of Cursed Mountain. Unfortunately, as some quickly noticed, the footage was so dark that it was difficult to make anything out. The videos have since been fixed though, so here they are…Again!

Thanks to Jake for the news tip.

Mohamed Zeki Mahjoub, who had previously worked for Osama bin Laden’s agricultural business, was forced to stay in a Canadian jail due to the suspicion that he was a terrorist. A judge said that Mahjoub was a threat to Canadian security.

Mahjoub, however, was able to leave the jail after 6 1/2 years. Even though he was allowed to go home though, security restrictions were enforced by the Canadian courts. He was only able to leave his home with his wife and stepson only after seeking permission, he could not stay at home alone with his kids, all of his mail was photocopied, and he could not use the Internet. And as most people know, the Wii has Internet capabilities, including an Opera browser. So, Mahjoub’s Wii was confiscated.

Perhaps due to all of the conditions that have been set in place, Mahjoub now wishes to be taken back to prison. Who knows – It might have been losing the Wii to the courts that lead to Mahjoub’s request.

Source 1, Source 2

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