February 2009 NPD sales data
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 3 Comments
PlayStation 2 131K
PlayStation 3 276K
PSP 199K
Xbox 360 391K
Wii 753K
Nintendo DS 588K
Wii Fit w/ Balance Board NINTENDO OF AMERICA WII 1 644K
Street Fighter IV CAPCOM USA 360 2 446K
Street Fighter IV CAPCOM USA PS3 3 403K
Wii Play w/ Remote NINTENDO OF AMERICA WII 4 386K
Killzone 2 SONY PS3 5 323K
Wii Mario Kart with wheel NINTENDO OF AMERICA WII 6 263K
Call of Duty: World at War* ACTIVISION BLIZZARD 360 7 193K
New Super Mario Bros NINTENDO OF AMERICA NDS 9 144K
Guitar HeroWorld Tour* ACTIVISION BLIZZARD WII 10 136K
Broken Sword: The Director’s Cut trailer
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days screenshots
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 1 Comment
Destroy Man returns in No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 3 Comments
“I finished doing a Destroy Man part on a game called No More Heroes, which was popular. He’s kind of an unapologetic jerk of a character, and he makes a return in what I’m assuming is a second installment of that game, so I just finished that.” – Josh Keaton, voice actor
Another family organization upset with a Wii game
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 5 Comments
First it was MadWorld and now it’s House of the Dead: Overkill. Yup, that’s right – Another family organization has expressed dissatisfaction with a Wii title. This marks the second time in just a little over a week that the content in a Wii game has upset a family group. Angela Conway, director of the Pro Family Perspective, is “very distressed that a large number of teenagers and adults would play this game [House of the Dead: Overkill] and soak up this amount of sexually aggressive violence and aggressively violent language.”
“The gaming industry has been mischievously misrepresenting the classification system on this issue. I feel very distressed that a large number of teenagers and adults would play this game and soak up this amount of sexually aggressive violence and aggressively violent language. We need to draw a deep breath and look at the research, which will show a need to scale back this level of violence. Given the increasing amount of knowledge now available of the effects of exposure to intense levels of violence on the adolescent brain, we should be reviewing the level of violence the MA15+ classification now allows.”
SEGA is defending their game, however, and says that, “House of the Dead: Overkill has been rated as suitable for people over 15. It is not an R-rated game. The swearing in it is very much stylised so it matches the Grindhouse cinema style made famous by director Quentin Tarantino. In playing the game, players attack zombies or humanoid characters but never humans. This is an important distinction that the classification board makes when it gives a rating.”
Thanks to Jake for the news tip.
Ferrari Challenge shortlisted in North East Digital Awards
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 1 Comment
Gateshead, UK, 19th March 2009 – Racing simulation Ferrari Challenge: Trofeo Pirelli – developed by Gateshead-based driving game specialist Eutechnyx – has been shortlisted in the 2008 North East Digital Awards in the Best Example of Game Development category.
“We’re delighted to have been shortlisted for this award,” said Brian Jobling, Managing Director of Eutechnyx, “Ferrari Challenge was a labour of love for Eutechnyx and so you can imagine how pleased we were when it was so well-received by the audience and critics. To now be recognised in the North East Digital Awards is a great honour.”
Nintendo to support a strong strategy for DSi applications
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 1 Comment
A top-secret Nintendo Developer Conference was held in London. Sources which were fortunate enough to attend the event say that Nintendo has a plan to push developers in a way so that short applications (games/non-games) will be created for the DSi.
“Our team sees this as an exciting and major app strategy for the DSi…Nintendo is keen to have developers offering all kinds of software once the DSi store fully launches for access in Europe and America. Given the advanced functions in the DSi, such as the microphone and camera, the company told us that there are a variety of opportunities for a variety of apps, both in a games sense and a non-games sense, that we could offer.” – Developer sources
Minon: Now Everyone Can Be A Hero press release
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 1 Comment
Nordcurrent, the exciting young European publisher who scored a recent success with 101-in-1 Explosive Megamix, today announces that Minon: Everyday Hero will be released on the Nintendo Wii on the 24th April, 2009.
“Even though we’re a young company, Nordcurrent are continually striving to bring titles to market that are unique, fun and expressive” said Alexander Bravve, MD of Nordcurrent. “Minon: Everyday Hero contains the same imaginative features and quirky nuances that give other Japanese titles their unique gameplay characteristics, and really takes the player to a world unlike any other. Nordcurrent, as a publisher, is focused on bringing something different to the publishing party and Minon: Everyday Hero fits this remit perfectly.”
An original and imaginative platform game, Minon: Everyday Hero will be released for the Nintendo™ Wii™ on the 24th April 2009, with a retail price of £29.99. It is being supported by a strong PR and marketing campaign, with advertising appearing in key specialist outlets such as Official Nintendo Magazine and Edge.