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New DSiWare titles – info

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments

DSiWare 200:

Nintendo DSi Calculator: Mario Type
4 function calculator up to 13 digits. Also supports unit conversions for time, weight, length, volume. 8-bit Mario Themed.

Nintendo DSi Calculator: Animal Crossing Type
Same as above. Animal Crossing Themed.

Just by looking, become smarter! Mojipittan Shiritori Clock
Clock/Calendar. It plays a Japanese word game where you take that last kana and use it to make a new word. It supports upto 13 million words.

DSiWare 500:

Art Styles: Nalaku
You guide a character through a a playfield of cubes. Your goal is to go as high as possible and light up rows of cubes by stepping on them. As the game progresses more cubes fall and lower ones are removed.

Arts Styles: Hacolife
You are given a sheet of titles. You first cut the sheet into partitions then using the stylus try to fold them into cubes. The goal is to fold the whole sheet into cubes.

Chotto Asobi Taisen: Familiar Table Games
Collection of 5 classic Japanese table games. Like Shogi and gomokunarabe.

Chotto Bungakuzenshuu: Seikai no Bungaku 20]
A collection of 20 classic books.

DSiWare Premium:

Ide Yousuke’s Health Mahjong
Mahjong. Supposed to help new players understand the game. Has some Wi-Fi connection mode as well as Mii support.

Mr. Driller DSi

Mr. Driller for DSiWare


Blast Entertainment, part of The Mastertronic Group have today announced the release of Johnny Bravo on Nintendo DS in “Hukka-Mega-Mighty-Ultra-Extreme Date-O-Rama” – enter the world of the best known steamin’ hunk of cyber fella – JOHNNY BRAVO!

Johnny Bravo is one of the most popular and enduring characters on the Cartoon Network channel. He’s easily recognised by his trademark sunglasses, rippling muscles and ultimately futile attempts to impress the ladies. Johnny Bravo has not only appeared regularly on Cartoon Network since 1998 but has also starred in his own movies and DVDs.

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Arc Rise Fantasia trailer

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 2 Comments

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US Gamers Day// Designed and developed exclusively for Wii, Overlord Dark Legend is a brand new action adventure steeped in fairy tale lore with sinister, satirical twists. Set in a time before the original game (Overlord, 2007), players step into the role of a new younger Overlord and revel in command of the most vicious, yet lovable little critters in gaming – the Minions.

Forming a unique rampaging army, the Minions are a demonic, slavish and loyal horde of imp-like critters predisposed to violence. No matter: they’re always ready and willing to follow even the most suicidal order, whether it’s raiding villages for kicks and giggles or hurling themselves at enemies in the face of kamikaze odds in the beautifully rendered game world. With a story and characters that poke playful fun at fantasy cliché, our trainee tyrant will be able to take his growing pains out on the local fairy tale inhabitants as he protects his castle and lands.

Deep Silver, the games label of Koch Media, a leading producer and distributor of digital entertainment products, today released further details of Russell Grant’s Astrology, the upcoming infotainment game for Nintendo’s handheld console.

Russell Grant’s Astrology is a complete guide to the world of astrological guidance, providing daily and in-depth readings alongside the opportunity to learn the secrets of interpreting the movement of the celestial bodies and understand how they influence your life.

– Called Adventure Island: The Beginning
– Gather Gold Melons
– Will have mini-games
– Balance board support for skating movement

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