Meet the Characters: Job Classes Among The Heroes Of Dokapon
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
They each have their own unique strengths…who will you become?
October 7, 2008
Like most RPGs worth their salt, Dokapon Kingdom allows players to choose from a variety of job classes in the development of their ideal adventurer. At the beginning, players choose from one of three job types – Warrior, Thief, or Magician – each with a unique bonus ability or trait. For example, the Warrior can randomly receive a boost to his or her attack at the start of a turn, although the Warrior insists that no illegal performance enhancement drugs are involved. The Thief can steal one random item or field magic from another player when he or she passes through them on the play field (and they really don’t care what they snatch, so long as their target has something to lose). Lastly, the Magician can cast two field magic spells prior to their turn, whereas other player classes can only cast one.
After a little bit of adventuring, players will be able to master their existing job and unlock new ones. Clerics can randomly heal a little HP at the start of a turn (“we don’t need no steenkin’ potions”), the Acrobat can bounce back from a fatal blow every now and then (gracefully, we should add), and the Ninja can use two items prior to the start of a turn (that’s what agility gets you). There’s a ton of variety, and a ton of different ways to play based on the kind of character you work towards. Each class also has a preferred type of weapon, yielding a significant performance increase when equipped for the right type of adventurer.
Here’s a listing of job classes you’ll find in Dokapon Kingdom (excluding a couple secret ones):
Opera says DSi has more RAM than original DS
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 2 Comments
“Yes, the DSi has more RAM than the DS Lite. In addition, with integrated Opera coming with the DSi, it will use RAM more efficiently.” – Jon S. von Tetzchner, Opera CEO
This should pretty much imply that the new browser on the DSi will run smoother and might include more complex features than in the first version of Opera (the cart iteration). The question is, will new DSi titles be able to benefit from the added RAM?
Little King’s Story could be made into a series
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
“Little King’s Story has been in development for a long time, and within that time we’ve added and deleted a lot of ideas to make it the game we have today. I would love to continue the concept and make it into a series, but to be able to do that I need the people of the world to purchase and enjoy this game first to ensure there’s interest out there.” – Yasuhiro Wada, executive producer on Little King’s Story
If you ask me, Little King’s Story would do great as a series. The game is looking very promising, though people actually need to go out and buy the title. Right now, I’m just hoping that this game won’t meet the same fate as Okami has!
Disaster: Day of Crisis – new trailer
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World trailer
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
DSi might be able to store demos in the future, talk of classic downloadable titles
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 1 Comment
“Via the DSi Shop you will be able to download games and we don’t have anything to announce yet in terms of demos, but I’d be pretty surprised if we didn’t go that route. It seems like something that would be pretty easy to pull off and pretty useful.” – Charlie Scibetta, Senior Director of Corporate Communications of Nintendo of America
“The DSi is backwards compatible to the DS and DS Lite, we don’t have anything to announce in regards to past libraries or catalogues of games coming to the DSi Shop channel. I don’t have a lot of details about what is going to be available in the DSi Shop channel, but when it comes out next year we’ll have much more details on what you can check out.” – Charlie Scibetta, Senior Director of Corporate Communications of Nintendo of America
Scibetta also mentioned that Nintendo iss aware of “the desire” to see a new Kid Icarus game and they are “definitely thinking about it.” Still, the company has nothing to announce at this time.
Nintendo employee discusses unannounced title for North America
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
“Umm, I’ll say it was exciting but I can’t tell you what it was. Because I looked around and basically, I said to my boss, ‘Really? Are you serious?!’ and he said ‘Yeah, I’m not kidding.’ So, I’m like ‘oooookay!’ [laughs] So I started doing…something. Something exciting and something unexpected — something completely unexpected.” – JC Rodrigo, Nintendo of America Treehouse
So, I suppose this means that Nintendo didn’t reveal all of their cards at their media summit this week. I’m not too sure what the game is, since there are literally tons of possible games Rodridgo was referring to!
Rumor: SEGA vs. Capcom title to be revealed at TGS
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 6 Comments
If the latest rumors are to be believed, both Capcom and SEGA will reveal SEGA vs. Capcom: Great Clash Generation for the DS at TGS. The game would based as a “hybrid RPG-fighting game” with a release date scheduled for Q1 2009. The rumors also explain that SEGA would be the main developer alongside Dimps, with Capcom acting as a supervisor. The character roster is apparently unknown, though Mega Man and Sonic are expected to make an appearance. TGS begins this Thursday, so we’ll know if this rumor holds any weight soon enough.