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Datel in sending out a statement in regards to the latest Wii Menu update. As most already know, updating your Wii will render Datel’s FreeLoader inoperable. This is in strong contrast to Datel’s previous guarantee, in which the company implied that future Wii updates would not affect the product. In Datel’s statement, the company explains that if you want to use the Wii FreeLoader, you should make sure not to upgrade.

We have received this from Datel today regarding Freeloader – and we wanted to let you know this important information ASAP to keep you informed:

*** Please note, due to circumstances beyond our control Wii Freeloader is not compatible with latest version Wii firmware 3.3 and higher, just released (released as an online update 17/06/2008). You can continue to use Wii Freeloader perfectly with any Wii console running firmware 3.2 and below. If you upgrade to Wii firmware 3.3 or higher this WILL disable the Freeloader function and it will stop working for all future use on all import games. ***

I have included Extensive information about this at the bottom of this email, with thanks.

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Team Gameseek

EDISON, N.J., June 19th, 2008 – Majesco Entertainment Company (NASDAQ: COOL), an innovative provider of video games for the mass market, today announced Escape the Museum for Wii. Based on the popular online hunt and find game from Gogii Games, Escape the Museum is being developed by Majesco Studios and will be available in retail outlets this holiday for only $19.99.

“Although an incredibly successful PC genre, the hunt and find adventure category has yet to be introduced on Wii,” said Liz Buckley, Director of Marketing, Majesco. “Escape the Museum’s online success coupled with category opportunity and an attractive price point make this an ideal title to bring to market.”

In Escape the Museum, a devastating earthquake has rocked the foundations of the National Museum of History and players must help Susan Anderson, who was knocked unconscious by falling debris while searching the museum for survivors, escape from the crumbling building to the safety outside. Thwarted by doors blocked with rubble and tripped alarm systems, players wander through the museum’s maze of 12 different hunt and find areas and 25 action-packed adventure scenes, using the Wii Remote to uncover hidden exits and save priceless archaeological artifacts. Along the way, players will solve puzzles, consult a map and access hints to help them inch closer to freedom and a joyful reunion with Susan’s lost daughter, Caitlin.

Escape the Museum for Wii is expected to release this holiday for $19.99. For additional information about Majesco’s exciting line of products, please visit


BioWare is still working on its first handheld effort, Sonic Chronicles for the Nintendo DS, but the team may be interested in developing for the Wii. In a very brief part of an interview, Mark Darrah of BioWare revealed, “Yeah, we’re looking into Wii and PSP as a company, as well, but nothing’s been decided, and nothing’s been announced. And we are, from styles of games, we are trying to broaden our portfolio. But we still have Dragon Age, which is a more traditional style of BioWare game.” It doesn’t seem as though there are concrete, official plans to develop for the Wii, though it is a plausible idea at this point.


(Screenshot from DS version)

San Francisco, Calif. – June 19, 2008 – LucasArts today announced Star Wars: The Clone Wars will blast its way onto the Wii™ and Nintendo DS™ in Holiday 2008. Bringing an entirely new look and feel to the galaxy far, far away, Star Wars: The Clone Wars combines the cinematic qualities of the Star Wars movies with state-of-the-art computer-generated imagery from artists at Lucasfilm Animation.

Star Wars™ The Clone Wars™: Lightsaber Duels™, in development by Krome Studios exclusively for the Wii, delivers fun-filled Lightsaber battles for the entire family while it immerses players in the characters, locations, and epic duels from the all-new Star Wars animated TV series. Built from the ground-up for the Wii, Lightsaber Duels features an intuitive motion-controlled combat system that puts the Lightsaber™ weapon in your hand for non-stop fun.

Star Wars™ The Clone Wars™: Jedi Alliance™, developed exclusively for the Nintendo DS by the LucasArts Singapore team in conjunction with Lucasfilm Animation, lets gamers experience the awesome power when two Jedi join forces to fight as one. With an innovative stylus-based input, controlling the Jedi’s movement and engaging in Lightsaber combat has never felt more immersive.

WiiWare confused Microsoft

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments

“I’ve been a little confused by WiiWare… The more I look at it, the more I’m confused, because it sort of doesn’t really look like something for independents. At best it’s what we would call a registered developer program. It’s really a way for you to get hold of dev kits and the normal development environment when you’re not signed to a big publisher. Which is very different than what we’re doing with XNA, which is you can just go and download the tools and we’re going to give you a distribution (platform) and the community will manage it. We’re going to completely enable you, versus ‘well, if you kind of work with us we can possibly kind of, back door or grandfather you into some kind of developer program which is a lot like our professional developer program. So, I’m not actually convinced it’s really going to empower the community a whole bunch.” – Microsoft’s Chris Satchell,



Much uproar was caused a few days ago when Nintendo released a new version of Wii firmware, version 3.3. Although people were upset that Nintendo basically seemed to be masking its true intentions to block the Twilight Princess save exploit with a Mii parade function, more frustration was caused knowing that Nintendo was blatantly attacking the Twilight Princess hack. However, it looks like things are already underway for a workaround. Not even a week after the latest Wii update, the homebrew community has managed to find a way to trick code into ignoring the Twilight Princess exploit. Now, how long will it be before Nintendo puts out another update in response to this?


A new trademark on the Japanese trademarks website has popped up. A long time ago, there was a huge rumor that Nintendo would be putting out a magazine channel – something like Nintendo Power…But on your Wii. However, this could turn out to be something to be discussed at E3 or even at a later date, or perhaps not at all.

Update: Earlier this morning, a new Japanese trademark lead many to believe that Nintendo could be bringing an interactive magazine to the Wii. However, a quick investigation on Nintendo’s official Japanese website shows that although the magazine is online, N.O.M. has actually been around for quite some time.


1. [PS3] Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots (Konami) – 465,000
2. [WII] Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo) – 38,000 / 1,444,000
3. [WII] Wii Fit (Nintendo) – 37,000 / 2,227,000

4. [PSP] Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball Portable 3 (Konami) – 27,000 / 187,000
5. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (Capcom) – 26,000 / 2,203,000
6. [NDS] Hisshou Pachinko Pachislot Kouryaku Series DS Vol. 2 CR Shinseki Evangelion ~Shito, Futatabi~ (D3 Publisher) – 22,000
7. [PS3] Dragon Ball Z Burst Limit (Bandai Namco) – 18,000 / 111,000
8. [NDS] Beautiful Letter Training (Nintendo) – 17,000 / 285,000
9. [NDS] DS Yamamura Misa Suspense: Kyoto Murder Files (Tecmo) – 17,000 / 56,000
10. [WII] Mysterious Dungeon: Fuurai no Shiren 3 (Sega) – 14,000 / 73,000


“You can’t use the board to pull off tricks – that’s only done with the remote and nunchuck – but along with the likes of Family Ski, Skate It is further proof that what could be achieved with the new peripheral is fresh and exciting.” -NGamer magazine

I have to admit, this is pretty lame. Not to say that Skate It will be a bad game, though if tricks could be pulled off through the balance board, the game would seem much more intuitive.

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