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Nintendo has opened the official Mario Kart 7 website, and it’s brought along a ton of Mario Kart 7 footage. When I say “a ton”, I really mean a ton. I believe there are almost 70 clips included on the site!

I’ve gathered all of the footage and separated the clips into three videos. I tried to cram everything into one video, but my computer wouldn’t cooperate! As usual, no sound/music was included with the clips (blame Nintendo for that!).

The first video can be found below. I’ve posted the other two after the break.

Crush3D tutorial trailer

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Thanks to Marc for the tip!

Want more videos? You can find seven more after the break!

Kind of a neat commercial!

With Super Mario 3D Land and Zelda: Skyward Sword launching in back-to-back weeks, some Nintendo gamers probably forgot about a promising title from Shin’en/Majesco called Nano Assault. The shooter was actually due out today, but it has apparently been delayed.

When asked about the delay, a Majesco representative said:

“…the game was pushed back and is not available yet. It has been an extremely busy couple of months for Majesco.”

This delay might not actually be a bad thing. November has been an incredibly packed month (not just for Nintendo platforms), so pushing Nano Assault back a few weeks (or even a month or two), could give the game some breathing room.


Definitely looks like there’s some Muramasa: The Demon Blade inspiration going on here. The question is, will Samurai Sword Destiny match Muramasa’s quality?

European 3DS eShop charts

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

1) Freakyforms
2) 3D Classics Kirby’s Adventure
3) Super Mario Land 2
4) The Legend Of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
5) Pyramids
6) Let’s Golf 3D
7) Cut The Rope
8 ) Super Mario Land
9) Plants Vs Zombies
10) Mario Vs DK: Minis March Again

1) Freakyforms
2) 3D Classics Kirby’s Adventure
3) Pyramids
4) Let’s Golf 3D
5) 3D Classics Twinbee
6) 3D Classics Excitebike
7) 3D Classics Urban Champion
8 ) 3D Classics Xevious

1) Cut The Rope
2) Plants Vs Zombies
3) Mario Vs DK: Minis March Again
4) Furry Legends
5) Extreme Hangman 2
6) Bomberman Blitz
7) Tetris Party Live
8 ) GO Series: 10 Second Run
9) Art Academy – First Semester
10) Earthworm Jim

1) Super Mario Land 2
2) The Legend Of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
3) Super Mario Land
4) Kirby’s Dream Land
5) Adventure Island
6) Game & Watch Gallery
7) Pac-Man
8 ) Donkey Kong
9) Side Pocket
10) Alleyway

1) 3D Classics Excitebike
2) The Legend Of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
3) Super Mario Land
4) Super Mario Land 2
5) Let’s Golf 3D
6) Kirby’s Dream Land
7) Donkey Kong
8 ) Plants Vs Zombies
9) Mario Vs DK: Minis March Again
10) Tetris Party Live

1) Plants Vs Zombies
2) Mario Vs DK: Minis March Again
3) Tetris Party Live
4) Photo Dojo
5) Pop Island
6) Zenonia
7) Shantae: Risky’s Revenge
8 ) Bomberman Blitz
9) Game & Watch: Donkey Kong Jr
10) Cut The Rope

1) The Legend Of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
2) Super Mario Land
3) Super Mario Land 2
4) Kirby’s Dream Land
5) Donkey Kong
6) Alleyway
7) Mario’s Picross
8 ) Game & Watch Gallery
9) Tennis
10) Double Dragon


The latest issue of Famitsu has revealed that G.Rev is currently developing G.Rev for the 3DS. Here’s what we know about the project thus far:

– Tank-based overhead shooter
– Can be played simultaneously by up to four players
– Download play support
– Stages are set on a grid of triangles
– Can choose your starting stage
– Beat a stage to unlock the three neighboring stages
– Spring 2012 release in Japan
– 40% complete


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