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Antipole set for DSi/3DS

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News | 0 comments

This information comes from Saturnine Games’ Edward Di Geronimo…

“Was just informed that all the Antipole DSi/3DS shop assets were approved. Should have a confirmed release date in the next few days.”

I assume that Antipole is being made specifically for DSiWare. Of course, since eShop accepts all DSiWare games, you’ll also be able to download it from that service as well.


The pamphlet above claims that Tales of the Abyss 3DS will be available in Europe on November 10. Is that true? Namco Bandai hasn’t said anything officially, so who knows! Last we heard, NGamer said that the title would launch in Spring 2012…


The low-quality footage of the video is intentional, as is the lack of sound. That’s the only footage we have of the game for now! Look for an official trailer soon.

Call of Juarez: The Cartel – July 22nd
Driver: San Francisco – September 2nd
Driver Renegade – September 2nd

Might & Magic: Heroes VI – September 9th
Splinter Cell Trilogy HD – September 23rd
Motion Sports: Adrenaline – October 7th
Just Dance 3 – October 11th
Rayman Origins – November

Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012 – November
The Black Eyed Peas Experience – Calendar 2011
Anno 2070 – Winter (Late December – Late March)
Ghost Recon Future Soldier – Q1 2012 (January-March)


Remember when Super Meat Boy was heading to WiiWare? Remember when it was going to be an exclusive release on consoles? Well, it’s funny how things turn out!

As many of you probably know, Super Meat Boy ended up missing its launch on WiiWare due to file size restrictions, so it was instead made available for other platforms such as Xbox Live Arcade.

After that disappointment, Team Meat hinted that they might bring Super Meat Boy to 3DS. Based on recent commentary from Team Meat co-founder Edmund McMillen, however, it doesn’t appear that plan will be happening any time soon.

“We said we’re approved as 3DS developers. We don’t have dev kits though – not many people do. At least that’s what we heard. Who knows, maybe they’re lying to us. We’ve asked about when we could get one and they said there’s stock coming, but we probably shouldn’t even talk about this. We were originally kind of into porting Meat Boy to it, but the game we’re working on now is very exciting and it probably won’t work on the 3DS. I don’t know if it will or not, or if it would be a good idea for it.


Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D (3DS) – 7.5
Mystery Case Files: The Malgrave Incident (Wii) – 6.0
NASCAR 2011: The Game (Wii) – 3.0
Reel Fishing Paradise 3D (3DS) – 6.0
Cars 2: The Video Game (Wii) – 7.0
Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions (3DS) – 7.0

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