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General Nintendo

This week I talk about how Nintendo doesn’t make any sense. Sound off in the comments. :]

Nintendo of Japan has added a neat little reward to Club Nintendo. Members can purchase pastel colored touch pens for 100 points. No word yet on whether this reward will be made available in North America/Europe.


For the first time, Pokemon Company will be attending Jump Festa. And you may remember that a few months ago, Pokemon Company CEO Tsunekazu Ishihara hinted at a new game announcement before the end of the year.

Does that mean a new title will be revealed at the show? We don’t know for sure, but that’s what some fans are speculating. Jump Festa could turn out to be very interesting for Pokemon fans!

Shueisha has announced a couple of dates for this year’s Jump Festa. The event will take place on December 17 and December 18 at the Makuhari Messe convention center.

Nintendo, Pokemon Company, SEGA, Namco Bandai, and Square Enix are among the exhibitors this year. A total of 27 companies will be presenting content.

The official Jump Festa site can be found here.


Many video game franchises are experiencing significant milestones this year, including Castlevania. The first game in the series was released on this day twenty-five years ago.

While we don’t know what’s next for Castlevania, you should be able to rest easy knowing that the future is bright. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow producer David Cox took to Twitter to tells fans that the IP has “never been in better shape.” He also stated that “The future is assured.”

Cox wrote on Twitter:

“Today is the 25th anniversary of Castlevania. Some would say the series is in decline but the fact is it’s never been in better shape. The future is assured. Castlevania will never die. The series is evolving and bringing in new fans, reaching larger audiences.”

Lords of Shadow was a respectable entry in the series, but I’d personally love to see a new 2D title for the 3DS (it could be an interesting mix!). Another possibility I could see happening is Lords of Shadow 2, which, if it happens, might have a chance of ending up on Wii U.


Edit: I decided to move the image to past a break, since it’s a little weird and disturbing.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is a bag that can be purchased on for the low price of $30, and I think you can see why it finds itself causing quite a ruckus. It was originally brought to public attention on, and from there I saw someone post a link on Facebook to the bag. Curious, I clicked it and was a little bewildered. Here’s what the description of the bag reads:

“Carson’s Collectibles Sling Bag (Messenger Bag) of King Dedede Drooling While Eating “

Although this year’s Tokyo Game Show just ended, CESA has already dated 2012’s event. The organization announced today that TGS 2012 will be held from September 20 through September 23. It will once again take place at the Makuhari Messe convention center.

Along with this news, CESA revealed that this year’s TGS saw record attendance. 222,668 enthusiasts were a part of the show. That beats out last year’s statistic, which saw an attendence number of 207,647 people.


Been a while, guys! Still shakin’ the rust off… :b

Dual analog controls were something that fans would have been interested in seeing with the PSP. Responding to those requests, Sony made it a point to include two sticks for Vita. Nintendo also had the opportunity to include dual analog controls with their new portable, the 3DS, but opted for one Circle Pad instead.

As we saw just recently, however, Nintendo wasn’t satisified with one analog nub. That’s why they introduced the 3DS Circle Pad accesorry that numerous high-profile titles will take advantage of.

The additional Circle Pad attachment caused quite a bit of controversy when it was first revealed. Even some third-party developers aren’t pleased with the news.

You might be wondering what Sony thinks about the 3DS Circle Pad attachment. Shuhei Yoshida, president of Sony Computer Entertainment’s worldwide studios, actually said in a recent interview that “It was a bit shocking to see what they came up with.”

Here’s his full remarks:

“Well it’s not like they looked at PS Vita and said ‘we need to do that as well.’ I don’t know. It’s clear that they didn’t believe a second analog was necessary when they designed the 3DS, so I can only guess it was requested by Capcom’s side. Maybe a Capcom producer told Nintendo that to play Monster Hunter we need [two] analog sticks. That I don’t know, so I can only guesstimate. It was a bit shocking to see what they came up with.”

Valve has never made a game for a handheld system. Based on a recent comment from the company, it doesn’t sound like they’ll be changing their policy anytime soon.

Regarding portable gaming, Valve’s Chet Faliszek said:

“We’re about people sitting on their couches or at their desks. We haven’t forayed into that space. It’s just not a space our engine has been looked at or optimized for.”

I wouldn’t expect Valve to make any titles for the 3DS, but this officially rules out any possibility. Let’s hope that they’ll be open to bringing some content to Wii U…


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