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General Nintendo

Nintendo President Satoru Iwata recently admitted that the “Wii has stalled” and that this is due to a lack of “strong software.” However, Iwata also delivered a keynote at a semi-annual financial results briefing in Japan and made a similar claim, but this time it was about the gaming industry in general. In his keynote, Iwata stated that there were no big hits in the first half of 2009, which caused “worldwide market contraction.”

“So far I have been talking about the market based on the number of units. Now I would like to look at the market in terms of monetary sales volume…We attribute the main reason of worldwide market contraction to the lack of hit titles across the industry in the first half of the year.”

Thanks to Ross M for the news tip!


Mistwalker artist Watanabe may have provided a first look at the art in the company’s new game. The picture, which we’ve posted above, can be found on Mistwalker’s official site under the creator’s page.

Less than two weeks ago, Mistwalker boss Hironobu Sakaguchi said that he is “working hard on a new project” and that the development team is hurrying into the finishing stage. Also, a number of months ago, the company was seen with a Wii development kit in a picture posted on the Mistwalker website before it was edited out shortly thereafter. However, it has not been confirmed where this new game will end up.

Source 1, Source 2

Thanks to Ross M for the news tip!

Thanks to Ross M for the news tip!

Although The Legend of Zelda is one of Nintendo’s most successful and beloved franchises, everyone wasn’t always on board with its main concept. At the Digital Contents Expo, Shigeru Miyamoto spoke about the series in his keynote and stated that initially, the first game received tremendous opposition because there was a belief that no one would know where to travel in the game’s open world. In other words, the amount of freedom in Zelda was questioned. There are so many options and paths available to the gamer, causing concern that players wouldn’t know what to do next.

Thanks to Sarah for the news tip!

Someone over on the IGN boards claims to know about Nintendo’s secret game is. You know, the one that the IGN Nintendo Team was saying isn’t a B-title. Take these details will a huge grain of salt for now, but it does sound like this game could be interesting if the information is valid.

– Not Pikachu’s Great Adventure
– Not the Mario game Charles Martinet providing voices for
– From an established franchise
– Previews were supposedly going up last Friday but they haven’t yet
– The person says the game “shocked the hell,” out of him he “certainly didn’t expect it”
– Also says: “trust me at this point when I say there won’t be too many people out there who will be blown away when this one gets revealed.”
– Compared to Pikachu’s Great Adventure, he says: “I’d say less cool in concept, but most likely a better game when it’s all said and done. There is one interesting aspect to the title that hasn’t been fully revealed yet. The ultimate quality of this title may hinge on how well this aspect is executed.”


Thanks to Mario354 for the news tip!

Mistwalker, the developer of titles such as Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon, has been fairly quiet over the last few months. However, company president Hironobu Sakaguchi posted a new blog update yesterday and very briefly spoke about his new project:

“I am working hard on a new project.
Now we are being rushed into the “finishing” stage.
No matter what, I will make it really good….”

We haven’t heard a peep about what Mistwalker has actually been working on. However, seeing as how the game is at reaching a significant point in development, it’s possible that we’ll hear something about it soon.

Source 1, Source 2

The following is an email I received from Nintendo in regards to the Club Nintendo Elite Status reward, but I’m not sure if Doc Louis’s Punch-Out!! is actually going to be shipped in the mail.

“We wanted to let you know that we are preparing to begin shipping the 2009 Elite Status Rewards!

We had thousands of loyal Nintendo fans reach Elite Status last June and it is going to take us a couple of weeks to ship all the orders.

So, even though your friends or neighbors may receive their Reward before you do, please be assured that your order is being processed too!

You will receive another email when your reward order ships.

Thank you for your interest and excitement and we hope you enjoy your Club Nintendo Elite Status Reward.”

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