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You may remember a statement made by Shigeru Miyamoto last year about the possibility of Retro Studios working on Zelda. Miyamoto had said that the series “might be a possible franchise for that collaboration.”

Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma recently offered his own thoughts about partnerships.

Aonuma told IGN:

“Nintendo’s developers will continue to work on a number of different titles, and I think that we will have to rely on outside companies for graphics and other elements that require massive resources. I’m satisfied when the cooperation between Nintendo and other companies becomes something meaningful for both parties.”

Aonuma also told the site that there have been a number of partnerships for the Zelda series over the past decade. Capcom worked on Oracle of Seasons, Oracle of Ages, The Minish Cap, and Four Swords while Grezzo brought the enhanced Ocarina of Time 3D port to the 3DS. Nintendo even collaborated with Xenoblade developer Monolith Soft on Skyward’s Sword’s graphics.


Today is the last day of February, meaning you have less than 24 hours left to purchase the current downloadable rewards over at Club Nintendo with your coins. Members can choose from Art Academy: First Semester (150 coins) and Mario Party 2 (150 coins). We’ll find out about the new downloadable rewards by this time tomorrow.

Mistwalker’s last game was, as many of you know, The Last Story. Development on the Wii RPG was completed in early 2011.

It’s been a year since then, so surely the studio has a new title in the works, right? Well… yes. Mistwalker told Siliconera that they are “working on several projects.”

A representative said:

“We are working on several projects. We appreciate your interest.”

Final Fantasy creator and Mistwalker founder Hironobu Sakaguchi did recently say that he’s making three iOS games. Aside from those, though, could the company be developing a new console or gaming handheld title as well?

The same representative said:

“At this moment, the only thing I can say is that we are working on several projects.”

How about a game for Wii U, Sakaguchi?!


A couple of weeks ago, Nintendo of Canada added a terse entry to their official website about an upcoming “Spring Break Surprise”. The post simply reads, “Come back March 1st to see what it is!!”

It sounds this could be specific to Canada, as the news was not included in Nintendo of America’s “What’s New” section. I’m not expecting the tease to be about a major new title announcement, but this could be interesting!

Thanks to 3DSponesiPod for the tip!

We’re still waiting for Junichi Masuda’s big announcement on today’s episode of Pokemon Smash, but his reveal could be related to Kyurem.

Kyurem is set to appear in the fifteenth Pokemon movie, Kyurem vs. the Sacred Swordsman: Keldeo. A rumored poster for the upcoming film, as pictured above, appears to show two new forms – fire and electricity.

Perhaps Masuda will appear on Pokemon Smash to show off these new forms. On the other hand, some fans believe that he’ll announce Pokemon Grey. This title would build off of the Black/White titles that were released for the DS less than two years ago.

Source, Via

Update: Masuda apparently told fans on Twitter that the Pokemon Smash announcement is something different. Hype back on!

Game Freak director Junichi Masuda will be “making a very important announcement” on today’s episode of Pokemon Smash. Most fans have assumed that Masuda’s appearance on the show means that he’ll be announcing a new game.

It might be time to prepare yourself for potential disappointment. Masuda visited the Pokemon Center in Fukuoka today to tease a Pikachu event that relates to a new bullet train in Japan. This special Pikachu will be distributed at the railway and will be capable of performing the Extremespeed ability. Under typical circumstances, most Pokemon can’t learn the move. More information is expected on Monday.

Is this the announcement that Masuda has been saving for Pokemon Smash? Or will it be something else entirely? We’ll find out in a few hours…


One fan has managed to connect get a PS1 controller working with the 3DS. Having not tried it myself, I can’t say if it’s any better than using the Circle Pad Pro. It’s an interesting idea nonetheless!

Michael Pachter had some not-so-nice things to say about Nintendo recently. The Wedbush analyst was speaking at the Ayzenberg A-List Summit 2012 event to discuss the impact of social landscape on gaming.

At the end of his presentation, Pachter fielded some questions about Nintendo.

First, Pachter spoke about Nintendo being “in disarray” and commented on how he feels that the company has “completely blown Wii U by not telling people what the price is going to be.”

“I think Nintendo is in disarray. I think they’ve completely blown the Wii U by not telling people what the price is going to be. It’s going to launch at $249 because it has to. I think they’re dead anyway because Xbox with Kinect will be priced below that by the time they launch. …[the] Wii was a bubble and that the Wii bubble has burst.”

Pachter then went on to say that Wii owners have moved on to social titles like FarmVille and that these games, along with tablet/smartphone software, have killed the console. He feels these games will lead to the death of Nintendo handhelds as well.

It wasn’t all doom and gloom, though. Pachter complimented Nintendo for their success with Wii through their use of the Blue Ocean strategy which has made gaming a more mainstream activity today.


Game Freak director Junichi Masuda strongly hinted at a Pokemon game announcement a few days ago. He told fans that they should watch Pokemon Sunday when asked about a third title to accompany Black/White.

While we still can’t say for sure that Masuda will come on tomorrow’s show to reveal a new game, it’s really starting to sound likely. And if he doesn’t share something about a new game, we can at least expect something big.

Masuda posted the following to his blog today:


On this coming Sunday, Februrary 26, 2012, from 7:30 A.M,

I, Masuda, will be appearing on TV TOKYO’s Show, “Pokémon Smash!”

Not only that.

And there…

I will be making a VERY important announcement,

Japanese Club Nintendo members can choose from a couple of new rewards. The site has added in Mario and Luigi pouches that can hold a 3DS, DSi, DS Lite or original DS. Each pouch costs 250 points.

You can find a few photos of the pouches above.

Thanks to 4Him for the tip!

Source, Via

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