Boy shoots father, kills mother over Halo 3
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
This isn’t exactly Nintendo related, but it is video game related. And unfortunately, this is another terribly saddening story over a video game.
17-year-old Daniel Petric was angry about his parents taking away his copy of Halo 3 to the point that, believe it or not, shot his father and killed his mother. The newest detail about the case is that he also attempted to pass off the killing as a murder-suicide.
Petric, who was 16 at the time, secretly left his house to purchase Halo 3. However, the boy was caught by his parents. Apparently the parents did not want their son to be playing Halo 3, so the game was placed in a lockbox. A 9mm hangun was additionally inside the box. Petric managed to somehow open it, and took both the game and the gun out of the box.
The most disturbing part of this whole story? Before Petric shoot his father, he said, “Would you guys close your eyes. I have a surprise for you.” Right after that, Petric shot his father.
Fortunately, the father survived the shooting but the same cannot be said about Daniel’s mother. Daniel is currently tried to
The case is being tried to a Lorain County Common Pleas judge instead of a jury at the request of Daniel Petric.
Kojima talks Metal Gear movie, Wii plans
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Update 1: More movie talk in the video
Update 2: Kojima has also discussed any plans he has for the Wii (see below).
“For the most part, I would never do a [Metal Gear] film without overseeing all aspects and making sure the fans and especially I am happy with it. As for that note, the idea of releasing a game to coincide with the film is an interesting one [laughs]. I might do that.” – Hideo Kojima
That’s pretty reasonable if you ask me. I shutter just thinking about how a Zelda film would turn out if Shigeru Miyamoto wasn’t involved in a heavy way.
“I’ve got a lot of ideas on my mind [for Wii], but I can’t say too much right now.”
Michael Phelps and 505 Games to Collaborate on new video game project
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Multiple Titles to be Developed by 505 Games’ New U.S. Operations for Distribution Worldwide
LOS ANGELES, CA (December 15, 2008) — Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian of all time, and global videogame publisher, 505 Games, announced today a new partnership to develop next generation console and iPhone videogames. The first title is scheduled to release in spring 2010 and will be developed by 505 Games’ newly formed U.S. operations in Los Angeles. 505 Games also has European offices in the UK, and distribution partners around the world.“505 Games is proud to partner with Michael Phelps to create innovative new game play experiences that celebrate active lifestyles, the spirit of competition and the inspirational dream of becoming a champion,” said Adam Kline, president of 505 Games U.S. “Through swimming, Michael has become an international superstar and role model for people of all ages. With 505 Games’ global reach, we look forward to leveraging the powerful digital entertainment medium to bring Michael’s passion for sports and competition to new audiences around the world.”
Iwata wants more people to “understand the appeal of Dragon Quest”
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 1 Comment
“With the release of Dragon Quest IX, there are two things I’d like to make reality. The first is to build a thriving Japanese game market together with Dragon Quest that rivals the West’s. The second is to form a strong tag team to promote Dragon Quest overseas. At Nintendo, we were able to popularize the Brain Age series overseas, which was said to be unmarketable. I want to increase the number of people worldwide that understand the appeal of Dragon Quest, which represents all Japanese gaming culture…even if that only turns out to be a single person. I’m looking forward to working together with Mr. Horii and Square Enix.” – Satoru Iwata
Wow, Satoru Iwata seems like a very big supporter of Dragon Quest, and understandably so. The series is not as big in North America as it is in Japan, but there are, for sure, a great deal of people who value Dragon Quest. I feel that it might be more difficult to convince people to play Dragon Quest than Brain Age though, since Dragon Quest is the type of software that appeals much more to hardcore gamers than casual gamers, and those who play games in general.
Smash Bros., former Team Ninja devs working on new Teenage Mutant Turtles fighting game
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 1 Comment
Double update: Even more details on the game…
-official development started Jan. 2008
-concept started Oct. 2007
-2.5D Fighter
-Interactive Stages
-4 player versus
-Story Mode
-Battle Royal
-Winner Stays
-Loser Stays
-Unlockable Characters
-Unlockable Stages
-Online aspects said to be better than Brawl implementation
-Each character is color coded with glowing effect to make 4-player battles easy to follow
“While this is a licensed game, it’s not tied to any movie or TV show…for this game to succeed on its own it needs to be a great game.” – Ubisoft producer
Update: More details about the game have been confirmed: Online play, confirmed to be for Wii, will be published by Ubisoft, set for a September 2009 release date.
A sneak peak in a gaming magazine has the first information on a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game. Although only a few details were shared, the blurb explains that the title will focus on fighting. Also, members of the Super Smash Bros. Brawl dev. team and former Team Ninja developers have been confirmed to be working on the project. The teaser doesn’t mention which system the game is being made for, though I am pretty sure they are referencing the Wii.
“To kick off our big 2009 preview special, we’ve got an exclusive sneak peak at a game that’s so early it hasn’t even been named yet! For now we’ll just call if TMNT. A new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game is always worth at least a raised eyebrow (despite the, er, mixed results of the foursome’s last several titles), but when it’s a four-player fighting game made by some of the folks who worked on Super Smash Bros. Brawl and former members of Tecmo’s famed Team Ninja (who worked on the Ninja Gaiden and Dead of Alive series), then we’re looking at one of the most exciting stories of the new year.”
Ocarina of Time Beta Restoration Project underway
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 3 Comments
Most of us have played The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time before, but never quite like this. A group of people are working together to remake the beta version of the game. Items such as a fishing rod that can be equipped and a reed whistle for calling Epona will be included. Additionally, you’ll be able to see a few neat locations including the Castle Sewers, which was initially the way that it would be possible to escape Hyrule Castle.
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
LYON, FRANCE – 9 December 2008 – Infogrames Entertainment, the parent company of Atari, today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to fully acquire Cryptic Studios Inc., one of the world’s leading developers, publishers and operators of Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) games.
The transaction encompasses all of Cryptic’s proprietary IP, tools, technology and work-in-progress and integrates all members of the leadership team and employees into Infogrames. This acquisition is a critical step in the implementation of Atari’s strategy to become a leading online game developer and publisher
Play, win, and escape with SEGA
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
SEGA launches new community and gaming site, boasting classic and newly created games exclusively available on
LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO (December 4, 2008) – SEGA Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America, Inc. today launched PlaySEGA™, a completely new SEGA experience for all types of gaming and social networking fans. PlaySEGA is based at and is a mini web game portal with a selection of arcade, word, card, puzzle, quiz, Sonic and sports titles, which are available now and completely FREE to all PC and Mac users.
PlaySEGA has an impressive assortment of titles available on the site including Brain Assist™, which was originally released for the Nintendo DS™, and the successful mobile title, Sonic at the Olympic Games™. Brand new SEGA games that have been created exclusively for PlaySEGA are also available such as Ice Shuffle, Hollywood Adventure Quiz and Aquatic Word Burst. In addition, a selection of all-new Guest Games will soon be unveiled, all entirely FREE to each PlaySEGA user.
Two boys kill kitten with video game controller
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 1 Comment
It was concluded today that two boys used the cord of a video game controller to hang a four-month-old kitten from a tree. The children – six and seven years old – had just finished a gameplay session of Grand Theft Auto. Before hanging the kitten, the boys used stones to greatly injure the animal. The two boys will not face any criminal charges due to their age, nor will they receive any aid from Child Protective Services.
Unfortunately, this is a case of parental negligence. Grand Theft Auto is rated “M” for a reason, so parents should make it a responsibility to make sure their children are playing the appropriate games. We’ve heard cases of some young boys playing Grand Theft Auto and committing crimes, but never this young.
Zelda gamer robs bank, does so in style
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 2 Comments
These days, it’s commonplace to hear about a robbery, especially with the unstable economy in the United States. However, the same cannot be said about someone entering – and robbing – a bank with spiffy Zelda hat. A man in Waterbury, Connecticut arrived in a bank and on wrote down on a piece of paper an undisclosed amount of money he demanded…Or was that Rupees? The man donned a hat with an object that can be easily identified as the triforce. No one was hurt during the robbery, though we can only assume that this man is a Nintendo gamer. Or, at the very least, he loves Zelda.