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Along with today’s screenshot, Sakurai passed along the following message:

“The speed and power of Samus’s Charge Shot has been drastically improved. However, that could potentially put her in danger on occasion.”

Mighty No. 9 has smashed through another stretch goal on Kickstarter. The game will now be receiving a Challenge Mode, having raised $2.4 million.

Next up for Mighty No. 9 is an extra end stage and boss. These elements will both be included if funds reach $2.55 million.

Just a little over a week remains in Mighty No. 9’s Kickstarter campaign.

Two of Nintendo’s latest Japanese accessories appear to be releasing in Europe next month. Amazon Germany has listings up for the “Wii U High Capacity-Battery” and “Wii Remote Rapid Charging-Set” – both with October 4 dates. Neither product has been officially announced for Europe, but Amazon’s listings do look legitimate.


It’s not much, but what’s shown here doesn’t look too bad:

Brunch Panic intro

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Videos | 0 comments

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