Nintendo of Australia doesn’t confirm GBA VC games for 3DS
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
You may have come across some speculation on certain publications that Game Boy Advance games could become an official platform for the 3DS Virtual Console. Essentially, the rumor came about when Dr. Mario was shown on Nintendo of Australia’s website as a GBA game that would be released soon on the eShop.
This was, in reality, nothing more than an error. The Dr. Mario entry was intended to be for the Game Boy version, which is already out on the eShop.
Nintendo of Australia said in a statement:
“Nintendo Australia would like to confirm the recent update to the website highlighting Game Boy Advance titles are available on Nintendo eShop was posted in error. Nintendo Australia can confirm there are no current plans for Game Boy Advance games to be released on Virtual Console for Nintendo 3DS. We would also like to confirm Dr. Mario is available as a Game Boy title on Virtual Console via Nintendo eShop. We would like to apologise for any confusion this has caused. Game Boy Advance games on the Nintendo 3DS of course remain for all Ambassadors, this hasn’t changed.”
Pokemon: Mysterious Dungeon: Magnagate and the Infinite Labrynth announced for 3DS
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
No, this isn’t Wii U news, but it’s big news nonetheless!
According to the latest CoroCoro, Pokemon: Mysterious Dungeon: Magnagate and the Infinite Labrynth is in the works for the 3DS. The fully-3D game has you playing as a character who turns into Pikachu after falling into a dream. Oshawott, Axew, Snivy and Tepig will be available as partner Pokemon. Fans can expect Unova Pokemon to make an appearance, including Gurdurr, Hydreigon and Virizion.
Dunsparce hands out quest requests. Cofagrigus runs a store. Also confirmed is that Rampardos runs the Treasure Store. Kecleon is back as well and he’ll run a general goods store.
Take a look at the first “scans” of Pokemon: Mysterious Dungeon: Magnagate and the Infinite Labrynth above.
Reminder: First of four Wii U events in three hours
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 0 comments
Here’s a quick rundown of the Wii U events happening today:
3:00 AM ET / 12:00 AM PT – Japanese presentation; Japanese release date and price, other news
10:00 AM ET / 7:00 AM PT – Conference in New York City; US release date and price, other news
10:00 AM ET / 7:00 AM PT – Nintendo Direct for Europe; European release date and price, other news (Australian event planned as well)
10:00 AM ET / 7:00 AM PT – Nintendo Direct presentation for Japan – first/third-party games overview
Assuming I’m not dead, I’ll try to cover as much of these events as possible. We should be fine for the first Japanese presentation, but the three events happening at 10:00 AM could be tricky…
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon comes out on the 3DS VC tomorrow
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon will be one of tomorrow’s digital downloads for North America. It will go live as a 3DS Virtual Console release on the eShop at 12 PM ET.
More New Super Mario Bros. U screenshots
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Screenshots, Wii U | 0 comments
Japanese The Curse of the Hospital eShop trailer
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Second Wii U presentation scheduled for Japan tomorrow
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments

And now we officially have four Wii U events to look forward to. The fun starts at 3 AM ET / 12 AM PT tomorrow with a Japanese presentation. At 10:00 AM ET / 7:00 AM PT, three – yes, three – broadcasts will be taking place.
The first presentation will probably be a stream of the conference in New York City. All information coming from that will be for the US market. At the same time, a Nintendo Direct video will be shown for European consumers. Last but not least, also at 10:00 AM will be a second Japanese presentation hosted by Satoru Iwata, who will detail first and third-party games for Wii U.
Prepare yourself for a maddening day!
Big Scribblenauts Unlimited news teased for tomorrow
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
The official Scribblenauts Unlimited Facebook page is teasing “big” news for tomorrow. I think it goes without saying that this is related to the Wii U events lined up over the next 24 hours.
Anyone want to take a guess as to what Warner Bros. and 5th Cell have in store?
Skylanders Giants Crusher, Jet-Vac trailers
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos, Wii | 0 comments
Liberation Maiden listing pops up on the OFLC
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
The OFLC added a new entry to its database yesterday: Liberation Maiden. Level-5 International America is listed as its publisher.
Is this another sign that Guild 01 could be localized in English? Perhaps select games from the collection could come to the eShop…