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CoroCoro has another scoop on Pokemon Black/White 2. A number of details have been translated from the magazine, and we’ve summarized that information for you below. We’ll add in any additional content we come across to this post.

– Alder shows up early in the game
– Alder asks the player to follow him
– Cheren: normal-type Gym leader
– Bianca gives you your start Pokemon as a favor for Juniper
– No one knows where N went
– New professor: Professor Burnett, an AR Searcher
– Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus original forms are Incarnation Forme
– New forms for these Pokemon are Sacred Beast Forme
– New forms are 198, 199 and 200 in the Unova Dex, no type changes
– Capture forms of Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus in the Pokemon AR Searcher and then send them to Pokemon Black/White 2
– Tornadus’ Sacred Beast Form: focus on defense, speed, special defenses
– Thundurus’ Sacred Beast Form: increased Special Attack
– Landorus’ Sacred Beast Form: increased Attack
– Mecha Tyranitar is part of PokéWood
– Icirrus City Gym Leader Brycen shows up, has a confrontation with Homika’s father (who wants to be a movie star), and is part of PokéWood
– PokéWood: choose a scenario and make a movie, various battles appear
– Pokewood replacing musicals, is the movie theater seen in the trailer
– Pokémon World Tournament: battle most of the old Gym Leaders and Champions
– Includes Lance, Volkner, Blue, Misty, Steven, Janine and Blaine
– Meloetta is the special giveaway Pokémon at the upcoming movie
– Meloetta is a level 15, shows the change of form also occurs in Black 2 & White 2’s Castelia City
– Quick Attack, Confusion and Round moves
– Meloetta also holds a PP Max


Okay, to be fair, most of these are actually photos taken from the magazine. But I’m sure we’ll receive high-quality scans soon enough!

More downloadable content is heading to Fire Emblem: Awakening next week.

Nintendo has announced two pieces of DLC for May 17. The first piece gives players an opportunity to add Ephraim – a character from The Sacred Stones – to their party. The second DLC is titled “Mummy Paradise” and is mission-based.

Fire Emblem: Awakening users will be able to purchase Ephraim for 350 yen and Mummy Paradise for 300 yen next Thursday.

Nicalis abandoned its commitment to bring La-Mulana to the North American and European WiiWare service. However, that doesn’t mean developer Nigoro would be against a new publishing agreement with an entirely different company.

When asked if the studio would continue to look into an overseas launch for La-Mulana WiiWare, director Takumi Naramura said:

“The game is completed, we welcome the offer from a publisher. Since there are people who have Wii for playing La-Mulana, I want to do something.”

Given how late we are into the Wii’s lifecycle, it’s unlikely that another publisher would pick La-Mulana up. I wonder if Nigoro would give any consideration to a Wii U version…


01/02. [PS3] Resident Evil 6 (Capcom, 10/04/12) – 1405 votes
02/01. [PS3] Dragon’s Dogma (Capcom, 05/24/12) – 1402 votes
03/03. [Wii] Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes Online (Square Enix, 08/02/12) – 1067 votes
04/04. [PSV] Persona 4 Golden (Atlus, 06/14/12) – 1007 votes
05/06. [NDS] Pokemon Black & White 2 (Nintendo, 06/23/12) – 882 votes
06/05. [3DS] Monster Hunter 4 (Capcom, TBA) – 813 votes
07/07. [3DS] Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry’s Wonderland 3D (Square Enix, 05/31/12) – 700 votes
08/10. [PS3] Tokyo Jungle (SCEJ, 06/07/12) – 538 votes
09/09. [3DS] Animal Crossing: Jump Out (Nintendo, 2012) – 458 votes
10/08. [PS3] Final Fantasy Versus XIII (Square Enix, TBA) – 445 votes
11/11. [PS3] Lollipop Chainsaw (Kadokawa Games, 06/14/12) – 437 votes
12/16. [PS3] Toki to Towa (Namco Bandai, 2012) – 394 votes
13/17. [PS3] The Last Remnant (Square Enix, TBA) – 371 votes
14/14. [PS3] 2nd Super Robot Wars OG (Namco Bandai, TBA) – 359 votes
15/20. [3DS] Bravely Default: Flying Fairy (Square Enix, 2012) – 355 votes
16/15. [PSP] Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (Atlus, 05/17/12) – 353 votes
17/18. [PSP] Nayuta no Kiseki (Falcom, 07/26/12) – 347 votes
18/19. [3DS] Mario Tennis Open (Nintendo, 05/24/12) – 345 votes
19/13. [3DS] Rune Factory 4 (Marvelous AQL, 07/19/12) – 321 votes
20/12. [3DS] Etrian Odyssey IV (Atlus, 07/05/12) – 309 votes
21/24. [3DS] Luigi’s Mansion 2 (Nintendo, 2012) – 281 votes
22/21. [PS3] Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (Konami, TBA) – 268 votes
23/28. [PS3] Robitics;Notes (5pb., 06/28/12) – 262 votes
24/23. [3DS] Fantasy Life (Level-5, 2012) – 249 votes
25/—. [PS3] Persona 4 Arena (Atlus, 08/02/12) – 241 votes
26/—. [PS3] Yakuza 5 (Sega, TBA) – 224 votes
27/22. [PSP] God Eater 2 (Namco Bandai, 2012) – 217 votes
28/27. [PS3] The Last Guardian (SCEJ, TBA) – 199 votes
29/—. [3DS] Paper Mario (Nintendo, 2012) – 193 votes
30/29. [PS3] Atelier Ayesha: Alchemist of the Ground of Dusk (Gust, 06/28/12) – 170 votes


Sudoku by Nikoli trailer

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Sudoku by Nikoli came out on the North American eShop this week. Unsure about the game? Maybe this trailer will give you a better idea as to what it’s all about.

Update: Game Night is now over!

Hop into the IRC for some Kid Icarus: Uprising/Mario Kart 7 online fun. As soon as you enter a name, you’ll be good to go!

Update: Game Night is in less than an hour. Be here!

Game Night is returning this week, and it’s just a few days away. We’ll be hosting the event on Friday at 7:30 PM EST (4:30 PM PST).

Based on the Swapnotes I received as well as other feedback about the upcoming Game Night, I think we’ll handle it like this: we’ll have two groups going. One group will be dedicated to Kid Icarus: Uprising while another will play Mario Kart 7.

Join us for this, please! It’s difficult to determine how often I’ll be able to host Game Nights due to my schedule and personal obligations, but hopefully they’ll become a more regular occurrence. I’d at least like to set them up on a fairly regular basis throughout the summer.

Monster Hunter fans have been hoping for a Tri G localization announcement ever since the game was confirmed for Japan. Captivate came and went without any news, so the general consensus was that if the game was heading overseas, some confirmation would be given at E3. And if not, it’ll probably stay in Japan.

Now we’re starting to see some comments suggesting an announcement won’t be made during E3 next month. Greg Moore, Community Liaison for Capcom Unity, recently wrote on the official message boards that “nothing’s been announced for the West and I can’t tell you to hold your breath for E3 either.” He did point to the bright future of the series, however, noting “it’s just going to take a little longer for something to hit our shores.”

Moore wrote:

“Hang in there, guys. Unfortunately nothing’s been announced for the West and I can’t tell you to hold your breath for E3 either. But Monster Hunter’s not done in the West. It’s just going to take a little longer for something to hit our shores.

“I know it’s been awhile since we’ve had a new MH game, but for what it’s worth, it ain’t cheap to keep those Tri servers running. Take that as a symbol of our ongoing stake in the franchise until we can get an actual game over here.”

I wouldn’t panic just yet. I’m personally unsure as to how much insider information a community liaison would have access to. Also, keep in mind that some of the company’s higher-ups – such as Christian Svensson – have hinted at an announcement not too long ago. Capcom might not have anything to share at E3, but even then we won’t be completely sure if the game has been ruled out for the west.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.


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