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Fans weren’t entirely surprised when The Last Story was announced for North America last month. They were, however, taken aback by the publisher news. It was revealed that the small localization company XSEED – not Nintendo – would be localizing the epic RPG.

As far as how this agreement came to be, XSEED Director of Publishing Ken Berry told IGN that their company approached Nintendo, “and they were receptive to our initial inquiry.” Berry said that their interest in The Last Story picked up “sometime after the Tokyo Game Show when we purchased a copy in Japan and started to actually play the game for ourselves.”

In the statements from Berry below, you’ll also be able to read up on XSEED’s localization plans. This includes making the North American version identical to the European release, limited edition possibilities, a limited run for the game, marketing support from Nintendo, and more.

Amazon has published the English boxart for Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward. Here’s how it looks:

The 3DS had a wild first year. Hype for the system was sky high before launch, but quickly subsided following a dearth of quality launch software. Sales fell, it took a few months to get the eShop off the ground, and it wasn’t until June – with Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D – that a must-have title arrived.

And then Nintendo announced a price drop. It was at this point that things started to turn around. Once the price drop was actually in effect, more consumers became interested in the 3DS. It didn’t help that the likes of Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 made it out for the holidays.

So that’s where we stand now. How do the 3DS’ developers feel about the handheld’s first year? What about the future?

You can find comments from 5th Cell, Renegade Kid, and more after the break.

You can still nab this book by pre-ordering Xenoblade Chronicles at GameStop. Make sure to reserve it before the title launches… that’s a little more than a week away.

This screenshot isn’t direct-feed, but we’ll take it for now…

Thanks to servertera for the tip!

Source, Via

I guess this would be a pretty good demographic to advertise the game to!

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