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Wii U game mockups

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments

Hmm… Okami Wii U? Yes, please!

Thanks to Izzo for the tip!


Yes, this is the real deal! But, unfortunately, we only have the boxart to show you, as official details are not yet available.

– Not a playable demo
– Two fighters faced each other
– Adjust the camera in real time
– Push the B button to see a different combat animation
– Camera could still be controlled while this was happening
– Asuka, Bryan, Heihachi, Kazuya, and Lili in the demo
– GameSpot claims the demo had some of the best 3D on the 3DS as of yet
– 60 frames-per-second, even with 3D enabled
– Namco Bandai aiming for 60 FPS in the final product


I believe this trailer was shown exclusively at the Ubisoft roundtable on Wednesday night. It’s now available for your viewing pleasure!

We posted this video earlier, but it had the last few seconds of footage cut off. It was actually right as Miyamoto was mentioning Pikmin Wii U.

Harada talks Tekken 3D

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

“#E3 is now over. Since this is my last #IwataSays guest tweet, I want to say thank you for allowing me to spend time with you.”

Reading Iwata’s tweets was actually very interesting! It’s too bad that this was a one-time thing. Perhaps he’ll think about tweeting again next year.


Update: As Austin points out, he’s actually featured in this video. I must have been blind! You can see him at the very beginning of the video with the Wiimote/nunchuck shirt and backpack.

What would E3 be without stampedes?!


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