XSEED would be interested in publishing Fragile
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 2 Comments
“We’ll see what we can do about Fragile, we’d love an opportunity to work on it but of course the final decision doesn’t rest with us. Afraid can’t share any details, but we’ll keep trying.” – Ken, XSEED Games
Right now I’m pretty concerned about the fate of Fragile in North America. I would love to see XSEED publish the game…Or anyone for that matter!
Rogue Trooper®: Quartz Zone Massacre on Wii – coming February 2009
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
Reef Entertainment, the publisher responsible for Free Running, is proud to announce that Rogue Trooper®: Quartz Zone Massacre will be launched across Europe on Friday 27th February 2009.
Rogue Trooper®, a genetically engineered super-soldier from the pages of iconic UK sci-fi comic 2000 AD, represents Reef’s first foray onto the Nintendo Wii platform and promises to be one of the Wii’s most exciting and engaging 3rd person shooter titles yet.
Peter Rezon, managing director of Reef said, “We have high hopes for Rogue Trooper®. The tactical use of stealth as well as the all-out action fit perfectly with the Nintendo Wii interface, providing exciting and immersive gameplay. Rogue has a cult following from when he first appeared in 2000 AD and we have returned to the original storyline for the Wii version of the game to remind people how Rogue came about, but it is the strong characters and storyline which will have great appeal for gamers of all types. We believe this will become one of the very best shooter titles ever available on Nintendo Wii.”
New Nintendo Wii Accessory Now Available
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
FunChuks in 6 Colors
February 6, 2009 – – Logic3 is launching 6 colored Nunchuk Mini’s, the latest in its popular range of Nintendo Wii accessories. The Nunchuk Mini’s are the ideal way to add some fun and color to the Wii Gaming experience. These comfortable “FunChuks” are available in Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, White and Black. The wide range of colors means each player can pick his own favorite colored Nunchuk, great for a group of friends who are all aiming to be the best Wii gamer around.
These colorful FunChuks are ergonomically designed and fit comfortably for either left or right handed gamers. An 8 way analog stick for character movement and two buttons ‘Z & C’ for quick fire action are also neatly positioned. The FunChuk Mini controller easily connects to the Wii Remote.
Murasama: The Demon Blade trailer
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments
Japanese VC releases 2/10
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
Super Famicom for 800 Wii Points
– Tactics Ogre (Square Enix) – Tactics Ogre (Square Enix)
Mega Drive für je 600 Wii-Punkte Mega Drive for 600 Wii Points
– Dragon Slayer: Eiyuu Densetsu II (Sega) – Dragon Slayer: Eiyuu Densetsu II (Sega)
PC-Engine ab 600 Wii-Punkte PC-Engine from 600 Wii Points
– Winning Shot (G Mode) – Winning Shot (G mode)
Nintendo responds to developer of Bob’s Game, turns down request for dev kit
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 3 Comments
Nintendo has finally got in touch with the developer of Bob’s Game about receiving a dev kit to finish his project. But unfortunately for him, Nintendo stated in a letter that they are unable to offer Authorized Developer status to him at this time. In the letter, Nintendo mentions that the company “looks for relevant game development experience” in addition to looking “for secure business facilities, sufficient equipment and staffing, financial stability and other attributes that would distinguish the developer.”
Full letter after the break:
Japanese hardware sales (1/26 – 2/1)
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
DSi 55,613
PSP 44,135
Wii 23,278
PS3 17,405
DS Lite 15,147
Xbox 360 8,107
PS2 5,334
Atlus announces 101 Games costing less than 20 cents each: 101-in-1 Explosive Megamix for Nintendo DS
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments
No other DS game offers as much value on a single cartridge!
IRVINE, CALIFORNIA – FEBRUARY 5, 2009 – Atlus U.S.A., Inc. today announced that it has secured the North American publishing rights from European developer and publisher Nordcurrent for 101-in-1 Explosive Megamix™ for Nintendo DS™, a collection of 101 addictive mini-game types including: puzzles, sports, racing, cooking, shooting, balancing, juggling, and much more. There is practically no end to the fast-paced arcade action!
Players of all ages will have hours of fun earning gold coins by successfully completing challenges and spending their tokens to reveal dozens of exciting new games, striving to unlock more and more each time. Simple to play, these addictive and unique games will keep players engrossed in activities such as shooting hoops, completing puzzles, sticking sushi, shooting paintballs, dodging fish, and more.
Japanese Metroid site teasing “side story,” speculation begins
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 4 Comments
The website for the Metroid Prime remake (New Play Control! Metroid Prime) opened its doors today, yet an image on the main site has been the focus of Metroid news today. On the page, a little snippet can be seen towards the bottom and reads “Another Side Story” with Japanese text underneath. At this time, it’s completely unclear what this side story is. It could be something specifically relating to the Japanese Metroid website, or perhaps something else entirely. However, it would be kind of ridiculous to jump to the conclusion that this is a new game. You never know though, right? Guessing aside, the confusion should be cleared up shortly as the image also says that the side story is “coming soon.” Even if this side story is unrelated to a new title, it should be interesting to fans nonetheless.