Nintendo announces Wi-Fi network adapter for Wii and DS
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 1 Comment
– available starting 18th September
– 5800 Yen ($54 or €38)
– only available via order at Nintendo’s homepage
– can be used with Wii or DS
Popcorn Arcade Presents Pig Trotters and Bacon Races in… Farmyard Party – featuring the Olympigs
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
Stourbridge, England, 8th September 2008. Data Design Interactive – a successful video games publisher and games developer are pleased to unveil their latest game to be released on their dedicated Nintendo Wii label Popcorn Arcade; Farmyard Party – featuring the Olympigs.
Farmyard Party: Featuring the Olympigs brings farmyard fun to the Nintendo Wii. The game has eight Olympig events which are divided into four categories: all-round, speed, power, and skill. Game modes include a marathon challenge, party modes themed around event styles, single event fun and some hilarious bonus games.
Square Enix’s TGS lineup
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
Final Fantasy XIII, 2009 Release, Trailer
Final Fantasy Versus XIII, TBA, Trailer
Final Fantasy Agito XIII, TBA, Trailer
Dragon Quest IX, 2008 Release, Trailer
The 3rd Birthday, TBA, Trailer
Chrono Trigger, 11/27/08, Trailer
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Winter 2008, Trailer, Demo
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep 2009 Release, Trailer, Demo
Kingdom Hearts Coded, Winter 2008, Trailer
Valkyrie Profile, 10/30/08, Trailer, Demo
DISSIDIA Final Fantasy, 12/18/08, Trailer, Demo
The Last Remnant, 11/20/08, Undecided
Star Ocean 4, Spring 2009, Undecided
Infinite Undiscovery 9/11/08, Trailer
Chocobo and the Magic Picture Book Winter 2008, Trailer, Demo
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo’s Dungeon DS+, 10/30/08, Trailer, Demo
Valkyrie Profile, 10/30/08, Trailer, Demo
Note about screenshots in the future
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 0 comments
The people have spoken…And, well, I think it’s pretty clear you guys want to see more screenshots on the site! From here on out, I plan to include screenshots in the daily news updates. However, I’m not going to clog up posts just with screenshots. Basically, I plan to compile a list of screenshots that point to the respective sites where the images are being hosted in one post. That way, every other post won’t simply be about screenshots! The only exception to this will be for the screenshots that are very important. For instance, let’s say there were new screenshots of Zelda. I’m pretty sure that most of you would be very interested in seeing those. So again, only in those types of cases will I make seperate posts.
Let me know if this method works with you guys. If anyone has a different idea/suggestion, make it known! I’ll gladly consider anything that’s thrown out there.
Rumor: New DS in 2009
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 7 Comments
Hot off the heels of previous DS redesign rumors comes a new claim that Nintendo will release an original DS handheld in April or May of 2009. While the dual touch screen rumor remains intact in the newest report, Nintendo allegedly has plans to include widescreen aspect ratios as well. Currently, it is not known whether this is simply another DS redesign or a “DS 2.” However, based on Nintendo’s continued success with the DS Lite, the signs are pointing in the direction of a remodel rather than an entirely new system.
Photos from Nintendo’s Mystery Case Files: MillionHeir Event at Nintendo World Store
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments
Consumers are questioned by performers on the whereabouts of Phil T. Rich, a character from the new seek-and-solve video game “Mystery Case Files™: MillionHeir™,” Saturday, Sept. 6, 2008 at Nintendo World store in New York. The game is the first in the popular “Mystery Case Files” series to release exclusively for the top-selling Nintendo DS™ portable game system and will be available nation-wide on Sept. 8.
Joseph DeMartino wins a copy of “Mystery Case Files™: MillionHeir™” and the new silver Nintendo DS™ at New York’s Nintendo World store on Sept. 6, 2008. Fans gathered for a unique pre-release event where performers acted as characters from the video game and consumers enjoyed a chance to buy the anticipated seek-and-solve title ahead of its Sept. 8 launch date.
Reggie: We never said the Wii storage solution is a hard drive
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 8 Comments
In the latest issue of Club Nintendo – a Latin America Nintendo magazine (thanks, Light Wolf!) – Reggie Fils-Aime and Shigeru Miyamoto shed light on some interesting questions. First, and perhaps most importantly, Fils-Aime reaffirmed Nintendo’s commitment to investigating a storage solution. However, Fils-Aime confirmed that it isn’t necessarily a hard drive. Reggie’s words are roughly translated to the following: “We are working on a storage solution and it is especially important in America because our consumers are using Wii Points for the Virtual Console and WiiWare. I want the people to have the right expectations; We have never said that it will be a hard drive nor have we mentioned how we will fix this issue, but we are going to deliver a better way to store the games.” Miyamoto added that gamers should expect an announcement in the future, as Nintendo is researching different technologies to provide Wii owners with some sort of relief.
Between the two, a few more tidbits were shared. As has been previously reported, a new Zelda is indeed in development for the Wii. Although, Miyamoto noted that the new title has not been shown (will not be shown, rather) until the team is confident in the level of development they are in. So basically, when the game is ready to be unveiled to the public, Nintendo will do so.
Other news includes: Miyamoto said that there are enough peripherals for the Wii so we shouldn’t expect too many more. Fils-Aime commented yet again on hardcore gamers feeling left out of this year’s E3 press conference and explained that there’s GTA for the DS and that Animal Crossing is a hardcore game.
Last but not least: No Wii demos on the Nintendo Channel, no DS redesign until sales slowdown, and Reggie Fils-Aime is flattered more than anything in regards to Microsoft’s recent announcements over Xbox Live avatars. New Pikmin confirmed once again. Miyamoto wouldn’t say whether or not we’ll see another Zelda game on the DS.
BioWare already has ideas for a Sonic Chronicles sequel
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 2 Comments
“I would be surprised to see Sega refusing a sequel opportunity if the game is indeed successful! In any case, our team is definitively ready to work on a sequel. We even have a precise idea on what to do next if this were to happen… And if you play the game, you might find some hints on what that idea is.” – Dorian Kieken, Sonic Chronicles’ Associate Producer
The impressions of Sonic Chronicles seem to have been a bit more positive over the recent weeks. We’ll have to wait and see if those opinions will translate into a good game, though. Knowing that it’s Sonic, I’d imagine that Sonic Chronicles will sell. I’m just hoping that the final product will do the hedgehog some justice!