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“We haven’t made announcements on that front. Frankly, its original design was all about the control of the [Wii] wand. But there are other ways to implement that. It is a hugely innovative product. I expect you’ll see it on other platforms in time.” – John Riccitiello, EA’s president

I do believe that the Wii controller adds something to Boom Blox, but I agree with Riccitello seeing Boom Blox on other consoles wouldn’t necessarily translate to a poor product. Still, I hope we haven’t seen the last of Boom Blox on Wii.


First day sales in Japan

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

Rhythm Tengoku Gold – 150k (50%)
Fatal Frame Wii – 21k (60%)
Doki Doki 2 – 10k


PSP 67,452
DS Lite 56,968
Wii 41,024

PS3 10,692
PS2 9,291
Xbox 360 4,941

Potpourrii – trailer

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments

European WiiWare update

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments


– Defend Your Castle (500 Wii points)
– Wild West Guns (1000 Wii points)

Wii MotionPlus
– Long overdue
– Is basically what the Wiimote should have been initially
– Measures subtle rotational shifts, 1:1 – Craig says it actually works, he likes sword-fighting
– Craig “called” a new Wii Sports game right before Nintendo’s conference

Wii Sports Resort
– All 3 minigames were pretty fun
– Matt liked the disc dog game, since you can see how accurate Wii Motion Plus is – worked perfectly
– Angle, rotation played a huge part where the disc would land
– Craig thought sword-fighting was really accurate as well

– Laughably made
– Can put it anywhere in the room, cord looks gigantic (based on photos)
– Made for 3 – 4 people playing on a couch
– A third-party might make a work-around eventually (headset, microphone)
– Can use wireless keyboard in AC: City Folk
– Matt will remain skeptical until he can really test it
– Nintendo playing it safe again – Craig

First 4 Figures is proud to present a new collection of models based on the classic Sonic the Hedgehog line, starting off with our 12 inch Sonic the Hedgehog statue.

Sonic the Hedgehog burst onto the scene in 1991 and in super sonic speed went on to become Sega’s mascot. Sonic is full of speed and attitude and spinning abilities that allows him to out-maneuver and stop Dr. Robotnik’s evil plans of world domination.

Our Sonic the Hedgehog statue has been painstakingly recreated from the official artwork from the classic games to bring a perfect representation of “the fastest thing alive”.

IGN had the scoop on this game last night, but here’s the official announcement:

Designed Exclusively for Wii, Cursed Mountain is Set for Worldwide Release in 2009

Hermosa Beach, Calif. – July 31, 2008 – Global video game developer and publisher Deep Silver today revealed the first details of Cursed Mountain, a survival horror game produced exclusively for Wii TM by their internal development studio and its partners.

Set in the late 1980s, gamers will take on the role of a fearless mountaineer as he climbs into the Himalayas on a quest to find his lost brother. As he ascends the mountain, he encounters an ancient curse: the souls of the people who died in that region are stuck in limbo, caught in the Shadow World. Villagers, pilgrims, mountaineers and Buddhist monks – dead but not yet reincarnated – are all that is left on the mountain. Terrible visions will disorient him, and ghosts and demons block his path. But the question remains – is his brother still alive?

Capcom’s Leipzig lineup

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments

Capcom has announced its lineup for Leipzig. The company may decide to add more games to this list, but as for now, the games are:

– Street Fighter IV (PS3, Xbox 360)
– Bionic Commando (PS3, Xbox 360)
– MotoGP 08 (PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, PS2)
– Dark Void (PS3, Xbox 360)

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