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Capcom has revealed its complete E3 lineup. There is one standout listing, codenamed Flock, which is an apparent “super-secret project.” Right now, we have no idea what Flock could be, although some are already guessing that the game could be Capcom’s “surprising take on a next-gen favorite” for the Wii.

• Street Fighter IV: Final arcade code running on a heaping handful of arcade machines.
• Resident Evil 5: Game of show? Quite possibly!
• Dark Void: Also playable, also awesome. Snazzed up since CAPTIVATE08 and ready to totally jetpack your face.
• Bionic Commando: New areas and enemies, now playable on console!
• Mega Man 9: Put on your retro hats and prepare for a major challenge.
• MotoGP ’08: This year’s installment of the fastest-growing motorsport on two wheels. We’ll be running the 360 version.
• Neopets Puzzle Adventure: Surprise hit from CAPTIVATE08, we’ve got more to show on this puzzle adventure game created by the guys who brought you Puzzle Quest.
• Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix: A new batch of characters will be selectable for hi-def brawling.
• Plunder: Something new is happening with our digital pirate’s booty…
• Bionic Commando Rearmed: It’s almost out, and we’re showing it one last time.
• New games-on-the-go from Capcom Interactive, our mobile group
• Plus a new super-secret project, Flock!



It’s still difficult to believe that in a handful of retail outlets, it’s close to impossible to find a Wii. The situation is definitely improving, but people still wait outside their store of choice on Sunday mornings, hoping for a chance to finally get their hands on the system. There have been all sorts of ideas as to why there aren’t enough Wii units on store shelves, some of which include conspiracy theories. However, the problem may be much simpler than we imagined. There has been a discovery (based on a bit of an investigation) that Wii consoles take approximately 14 weeks to build the Wii and have it traveled to a specific retailer. It isn’t an entirely snail-paced process, however, it’s not incredibly speedy either.


Wild West Guns detailed

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments


Wild West Guns initially appeared on the ESRB ratings website, although we finally have nailed down what exactly the game is. Essentially, the game seems to be a basic third-person shooter with the focus being – of course – the wild west. The new WiiWare game will support four player co-op and competitive play, and as an added bonus (or not), Zapper support. Wild West Guns will cost 1000 Wii points and is scheduled to release in Japan July 22.


Yesterday, we got the word on a new Tales title for the DS, Tales of Hearts from a Namco conference. However, this was not the only Nintendo-related news item that comes from the event. The latest Tales game has yet to be released in America – and just came out in Japan – but more Tales Wii news is up and about. Yet another Tales Wii game is expected to release in fiscal 2009; the most encouraging news about the title is that the game won’t be a port or remake of a previous game, but a new, original entry in the Tales series.



In the latest issue of the Official Nintendo Magazine, there was a small snippet on the preview page for what seemed to be Animal Crossing Wii. Now, we have a further confirmation of the game; furthermore, it looks like the game will be at E3 as well. Says ONM, “Those of you who have read the new issue of Official Nintendo Magazine should already know that Animal Crossing Wii will be unveiled at the conference.” We still don’t know 100% that the game will be at E3, but based on the latest news from ONM, I think we can safely believe the game is real and will be present at E3.


“(Regarding an online petition for a new Broken Sword, if it’ll come to the DS) I’m going to have to be really boring now and just say that the petition was really inspirational. But I’m really not allowed to say any more than that.” – Charles Cecil, managing director of Revolution Software

Well, we don’t know anything for sure, but it definitely looks like Revolution Software is considering a new Broken Sword title.



‘Tis the season to be jolly? Alright, well, it’s not even close to Christmas right now, but it might as well be if you get the chance to visit Capcom’s E3 booth at E3. Currently, there is an offer up on the company’s blog that will allow you to go for free. There is limited space available, so it would be wise to apply now; Granted, being able to go would be a wonderful experience.


July 8th 2008 – Rising Star Games is pleased to announce the launch of Cradle of Rome on Nintendo DS. One of the most successful casual games on the PC in 2007, the original AWEM-developed title makes its first appearance on Nintendo DS developed by from Berlin. Distinctly marrying the Match-3 puzzle mechanic with an enticing resource management system, Cradle of Rome offers players a satisfyingly addictive gameplay experience. Rising Star Games will be bringing the game to Europe, with the exception of Germany and Benelux, on October 10th 2008.

About the Game:

Welcome to the birth of the Roman Empire where players re-create the legendary city of old using a unique variation of the much-loved Match-3 puzzle mechanic. Players still swap two adjacent squares around to create a row of three or more, but instead of completing the board as quickly as possible, the goal is to gather as many resources as you can before the timer runs out. The more resources you gather, the faster you can build Rome. Start with a lowly saw mill and progress to gain access to historical monuments such as the Arch of Titus, the Temples of Venus and Saturn and eventually the mighty Coliseum.

A vast array of bonus tools adds even more incentive to continue the game for as long as possible. Unlocking these tools not only makes clearing the board easier, but also increases the opportunity to gather more resources, gold and treasure!

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