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Super Mario 3D World is the first 3D Mario game to offer four-player multiplayer. Gamers will be able to play as one of four characters, each with their own unique traits: Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toad.

Unfortunately, Super Mario 3D World’s multiplayer will be limited to local play only. Nintendo has confirmed that you won’t be able to go online and continue the experience with others.

Director Koichi Hayashida and producer Yoshiaki Koizumi commented on the decision to not include online while speaking with TIME. Their main response was that Nintendo is focusing on seeing the other players around you. You can find Hayashida and Koizumi’s complete comments below.

Through its various videos earlier this week, Nintendo confirmed 12-player online multiplayer for Mario Kart 8. The racer will, however, allow gamers to play locally with others.

Nintendo did confirm to us that up to four users can play Mario Kart 8 locally, but wouldn’t comment beyond this. Austin had asked a Nintendo representative about having a fifth person playing with a GamePad at E3 2013, but wasn’t given a comment.

Also worth mentioning, the E3 demo did not contain any new items. The representative seemed to think that the full game will feature new inclusions, though.

Satoru Iwata isn’t worrying about the competition, even with new next-gen consoles from Sony and Microsoft on the way. He put it succinctly to CNN in a new interview: “We just don’t care too much about what other companies are doing or are trying to do.”

Iwata said that Nintendo is busy thinking about creating new ideas that can’t be recreated on other hardware. Nintendo also wants to put emphasis on experiences that can only be experienced on Nintendo platforms.

“We just don’t care too much about what other companies are doing or are trying to do. Our primary focus is to think about and actually carry out something which other company’s hardware can never realize. We are trying to provide consumers gaming experiences that can only be available on Nintendo platforms. Software sells hardware. The number of hardware selling and the number of people who can experience the unique attractions of the Wii U are going to increase, and thereby the knowledge and the understanding about the Wii U system shall naturally expand.”

Nintendo and the Wii U will certainly have a heck of a lot of competition this holiday. Sony will launch the PlayStation 4 while Microsoft will put out the Xbox One.


Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS will include a single-player campaign like the series’ previous entry, Super Smash Bros. Brawl. But it will be different from the Subspace Emissary.

Sakurai offered up one specific. It sounds like the team will be creating movie-like sequences once again, but these videos will be available at the beginning – no unlocking will be required. Players will be able to watch movies for Wii Fit Trainer, The Villager and Mega Man immediately.

Other differences are currently unknown.

According to Sakurai:

Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is a sequel to A Link to the Past, but it isn’t a direct sequel. However, the SNES and 3DS do share the same world.

Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma also told Kotaku that the new game may include “a different generation of Link and Zelda.”

“It’s not a direct sequel in the sense that it’s the same Link and Zelda. The world is the same and it might be a different generation of Link and Zelda.”

Aonuma also went into some detail about the similarity between the two worlds. There will be some changes in topography, land, and probable modifications to the dungeons in terms of what’s inside.

“It’s the same world. It’s the same space. But in the same way that, over time, the topography can change, there will be some changes. The land will be affected a little bit. The dungeons, for the most part, will be in the same place, but inside might change. Now that I say that out loud, it sounds a little strange, but we’re making decisions based on what’s best for gameplay. We’re picking and choosing what we change and what we don’t, so players can expect some changes.”

Aonuma also believes that the ability to turn Link into a drawing will let “players see it in a whole new light.”


Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma weighed in on a number of new topics in yet another interview. This time, Aonuma commented on the possibility of Zelda getting her own game, why the handheld Zeldas usually see a top-down perspective, his thoughts on remaking Zelda: Majora’s Mask for the 3DS, putting Zelda in a different era, and more.

Nintendo of America Reggie Fils-Aime has once again said that the company could choose to hold conferences at future E3 events. For 2013, Nintendo felt that using a Nintendo Direct was the best approach based on the content they had.

“Next year and what we do at E3 next year is going to be an ongoing conversation, based on what the right thing to do is for the content we have. What we are not saying as a result of this year is that the Nintendo press conference is dead.”

“This year, we have a parade of content that once you get your hands on it, you say to yourself I gotta get this game and I mean think about it. We have all of these playable games on our floor and most of them are coming out this holiday season, three are coming in 2014. “

New Super Luigi U is a big deal. It’s so big that Nintendo is preparing a unique disc-based release for the game.

This is exactly what the company had in mind when preparing New Super Luigi U. According to Takashi Tezuka, Nintendo wanted to “change what DLC is.”

“Most people think of downloadable content as just an add-on to a game — in Japanese you say ‘add-on content.’ But New Super Luigi U is such a large-scale thing — it’s like a completely different game. It was our idea to change what DLC is.”


The Legend of Zelda series has never received major downloadable content. But bringing DLC to the franchise that producer Eiji Aonuma appears to be mulling over.

Aonuma recently said that Nintendo could offer “more places to explore”. On the other hand, the company could simply look “to enrich the experience beyond what is on the disc.” If Nintendo were to make DLC for a Zelda game, it would need to be something worthwhile for players.

We’re certainly looking at different ways to add on content that would enhance the experience for the user – maybe more places to explore or just to enrich the experience beyond what is on the disc. But we also have to take into consideration that if we charge for this content then it needs to be worth it for the user.

So it’s certainly a balancing an act, but I can’t say that it is something we’re not considering.


Eurogamer published a new interview with Eiji Aonuma today, who spoke about a number of different Zelda topics. Aonuma commented on returning to the world of A Link to the Past, making Zelda overworlds, expanding the Zelda single-player experience (which doesn’t necessarily mean multiplayer), new IP for Nintendo, and more.

For Aonuma’s responses, read on below.

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