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EA recently said that there are no plans to bring Madden NFL 14 to Wii U. But what of FIFA 14, which also has yet to be confirmed for the system?

When asked by Eurogamer about the company’s plans, EA Sports said:

“We are only showcasing features for X360, PS3 and PC now. News about other platforms will be revealed in the months ahead.”

Well… FIFA 14 hasn’t been ruled out for Wii U, technically. That’s at least semi-positive…


An Okami-related announcement is coming soon. But whatever it may be, it’s probably not worth getting too excited over.

Following the ruckus surrounding the announcement teased on the Japanese Okami Twitter account, a message was posted confirming that the news wasn’t at all related to a sequel reveal.

Capcom’s Christian Svensson also confirmed on the Capcom-Unity boards that this has nothing to do with a new title. He also indicated that the announcement is probably something just for Japan.

My guess? Some kind of new Okami merchandise.

“With regard to the Nintendo sensor, at that time we were trying to start this company that would use pulse sensors, but not just to measure pulse rate – that doesn’t tell you too much. You have to be more sophisticated than that if you want to measure things thing arousal, valance or a range of emotions using heart-rate variability. I don’t think Nintendo really knew what to do with that.”

– Neuro-technology Professor Roger Quy

I’m not entirely sure I’d agree with Quy on this one. I think he’s right that only measuring heart-rate isn’t terribly useful, but I’d imagine that many people would have also said that only measuring weight distribution wouldn’t be very useful for a fitness game, and look at well Wii Fit did! I think the real issue is that Nintendo was deciding exactly where to go with Wii and DS, the Wii U was conceptualizing at that time, and bigger fish needed to be fried. They probably just decided it wasn’t worth the effort to put out another peripheral.

Via Nintendo Life

Mega Man is available on the Wii U Virtual Console service through the eShop starting today. However, that’s not the only Capcom VC support planned this month.

Super Ghouls’n Ghosts is expected in North America on May 16. And two weeks later, Ghosts’n Goblins will be hitting the Wii U eShop.

Capcom also teased on its blog:

“This is just the beginning, too. We have more titles in the pipeline and will have an update on them as soon as there are more details.”


Game & Wario will be available in Europe on June 28, Nintendo has announced. It’s also on track for a June 23 launch in North America.

In the states, Game & Wario is priced at $40 – $20 less than the average Wii U game. I imagine retailers will be looking to do something similar in Europe.

You can find Europe’s official Game & Wario release date announcement below, which also includes details about the individual games.

EA never confirmed Madden NFL 25 for Wii U when the title was officially announced, but there was hope that it could be happening further down the line. As it turns out, the publisher simply has no plans to bring the latest Madden NFL to Nintendo’s console.

A statement sent out by EA reads:

“We will not be releasing a Wii U version of Madden NFL in 2013. However, we have a strong partnership with Nintendo and will continue to evaluate opportunities for delivering additional Madden NFL products for Nintendo fans in the future.”

Amazingly, Madden NFL 25 marks the first entry to be skipping Nintendo platforms since 1991. EA must have been extremely disappointed with Madden NFL 13’s sales to ditch the system for this year’s release.


Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma opened up about the new Link to the Past 3DS follow-up while speaking with CNET recently.

Comparing the entry with some of the more recent Zeldas, Aonuma said “it certainly feels different from our [the developer’s] point of view.” Aonuma didn’t elaborate too much beyond this, but noted that the chance to create a brand new Zelda for the 3DS brought about a blank canvas. It was this opportunity that led to the decision of a return to the classic top-down style.

Mighty Switch Force! 2 is coming close to release. Developer WayForward shared an update on its blog today saying that the game “is a wrap”, probably indicating that actual development has completed. The studio is now getting involved with testing to ensure a quality launch.

WayForward’s blog states:

“Mighty Switch Force! 2 is a wrap! It’s pencils down for the dev team. Next stop, testing, testing, and more testing. Poor Patty… not even cybernetic citizens of Planet Land can escape the wrath of final exams.”


After numerous leaks, Activision finally announced Call of Duty: Ghosts. But the reveal left out the mention of a Wii U version, something that was a bit unexpected.

Activision has since commented directly on the possibility of a Wii U version of Ghosts – cryptically, might we add.

While the statement doesn’t say much, Activision noted that there isn’t news to share “as we aren’t dating next generation platforms yet.” The publisher also teased: “Stay tuned.”

“We don’t have any news for the Wii U at this time, as we aren’t dating next generation platforms yet. Stay tuned.”

That certainly gives off the impression that a Wii U announcement could be coming at a later date. Still, it’s rather annoying that Activision can’t just give us a straight answer immediately.


Update 4: Official Activision statement is hinting at a Wii U announcement in the future, and seems to be lumping the console in with other next-gen platforms.

Update 3: Eurogamer has now changed its article to list “next-gen platforms”. There are three likely scenarios here: a Wii U version won’t be confirmed until May 21, a Wii U version won’t be confirmed until a Nintendo-related event, or the game isn’t coming to the Wii U at all.

Update 2: Conflicting information is out and about! There is, at least, this article from Eurogamer that says a Wii U version has been confirmed.

Update: Call of Duty: Ghosts is now available for pre-order on Amazon and GameStop (thanks Jake), but there isn’t a Wii U SKU listed at either retailer. I imagine this is just tentative… hopefully, anyway!

Based on previous leaks, it’s pretty darn clear that Call of Duty: Ghosts will be heading to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. What has been less clear is which other platforms the shooter is planned for.

Only one retailer listed Ghosts for Wii U in light of recent leaks. However, according to an article on Engadget which has since been pulled (see a cached version here), the new Call of Duty is set for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC, Wii U, PlayStation 4, and next Xbox. The site also says that the game is releasing on November 6. A similar article went live on Joystiq earlier today, noting that Ghosts “is in the works for PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 as well as next-generation console platforms, including Wii U.”

A teaser trailer should be out fairly soon. Unfortunately, no in-game footage will be included. Joystiq’s pulled article says that “the adrenaline-fueled video showcases a smattering of quick-cuts and a reveal of the game’s title, which retailers leaked in April.”


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