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Best Buy Canada teased a new game reveal through its Canadian Reward Zone Gamers Club Twitter account on Monday. That turned out to be Batman: Arkham Origins. Today, the retailer is teasing yet another gaming announcement.

Best Buy just wrote on Twitter:

Given that the first tease turned out to be related to a brand new game, Best Buy is probably teasing something similar here. FIFA 14? Something else?

What do you guys think?


For those unaware (like I was until this morning!), Nintendo used to host something they called “Nintendo Games Seminar” at the University of Japan where they would help and encourage aspiring game developers to make games of higher quality with a higher success rate. It was a way for Nintendo to not only influence the direction that young developers would take with their careers, but also to find new talent to hire when the seminar was over. Now, they’re restarting the program:

– Seminar will run from July 2013 to March 2014
– Must be an under/post-graduate student at a University in or around Tokyo or Osaka
– 12 participants per location (Tokyo/Osaka)
– Choose between programming, graphic design, or sound
– Seminar will focus on developing games with Nintendo’s “Web Framework”
– More details on May 13th

Via NeoGaf

Almost all of the Wii’s significant channels will be coming to an end in June.

In Europe, Australia, and Japan, five services will be going offline. While nothing has been announced by Nintendo of America, we’ll likely be hearing something very soon from the subsidiary.

The Nintendo Channel, News Channel, Forecast Channel, Everybody Votes Channel and Mii Contest Channel are included in the group. You also won’t be able to send and receive messages through the Wii Message board. On the bright side, the Wii Shop Channel will still be accessible.

“We at Nintendo sincerely thank you for your continued patronage of our company’s products. We apologise to those of you currently using these services, and ask for your understanding. The above services will no longer be available even if they are started up from the Wii Menu. However, services other than those mentioned above, such as the Wii Shop Channel and ‘Today’s Accomplishments’ on the Wii Message Board, will remain available.”


Capcom has confirmed that a new update will go live for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate next week. Starting on April 16, players can apply a patch to enable off-TV play and cross-region play between North American and European users.

A tweet published on the official Monster Hunter Twitter account reads:


Ubisoft announced that it would be delaying Rayman Legends on Wii U a couple of months ago so that it could bring the title to additional platforms. This was something that didn’t surprise Rayman creator Michel Ancel, who is also the driving force behind Legends.

Ancel told ONM:

“No, I wasn’t shocked, but it was really hard for us. Of course, there are more important issues and problems in the world but we worked really hard to make something and were so involved, it was difficult for us and the fans.”

Because of the delay, the Rayman Legends team was able to add in more content. It now features 30 additional levels along with new bosses.

“Trust me, the things we are adding aren’t minor. We’re not talking about adding some polish here and there, but 30 new levels and several new bosses.”


We’ve known for some time that The Denpa Men 2 is set for an overseas release. Its launch on the North American and European 3DS eShops could be just on the horizon if a new rating from the OFLC is any indication.

The Australian ratings board added an entry for “The Denpa Men 2: Beyond the Waves”. So yep, the game has a quirky new subtitle and the rating is hopefully a sign that we’ll be seeing it soon on the eShop.

Nintendo just sent out a new press release highlighting upcoming third-party games for the Wii U. In a way, it’s just a bunch of fluff, but there are two important points included.

First, Splinter Cell: Blacklist has finally been confirmed for Wii U. The game will launch on the same day as the other console versions in both North America and Europe.

Rayman Legends’ new online challenge mode download has been reconfirmed, too, which offers four levels including “Murfy’s Dungeon”. Players can count on daily and weekly updates as well as leaderboards. This is planned for late April.

Look for the full PR below.

Nintendo has yet to announce a North American release date for Game & Wario. However, if GameFly is to be believed, the Wii U title is set for June 30.

We typically don’t put much stock into retailer discoveries, but GameFly tends to be correct in most instances. You may remember that the release date and name for Mario Tennis Open were leaked through GameFly prior to Nintendo’s official announcement.


As you can see above, this survey sent out by Nintendo’s customer service asks whether or not folks would buy first party Wii Remote charger packs from the Big N, and, subsequently, if they would pay $40 for a single battery pack, charging cradle, and other accessories. The most interesting bit of the survey is that they’re touting a potential 13 hours of use after just 90 minutes of charging, which is something I would love to have!

I’m not sure if I’d pay $40 for just one battery pack though, even if it did come with the cradle, cases, etc. I’d need at least two with the purchase…

GoNintendo via IGN

At this rate, the Wii U won’t be getting any games from publisher Deep Silver. That would mean no Saints Row, no Metro, and no Dead Island – just to name a few.

Deep Silver COO Geoff Mulligan told Game Informer this month that the company has no plans for the Wii U “in the near or foreseeable future.” It’s all about the console’s audience apparently, which is apparently not who Deep Silver targets.

Mulligan told the magazine:

“Not Wii U. With other companies, I’ve been very successful with Nintendo. With Wii U, the Nintendo market right now and their audience is not who we reach best. It’s not something we’re entertaining in the near or foreseeable future.”

Source, Via

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