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EA and developer DICE won’t be putting Battlefield 4 on Wii U. The news is hardly surprising given how the game’s predecessor also skipped a release on the console.

Battlefield 4 is a cross-generation project though, meaning the Wii U should be able to handle the first-person shooter just fine. So why will the Wii U be missing out on the game?

Creative director Lars Gustavsson explained to VideoGamer:

“I think overall for me as creative director, number one is to deliver a really great game and experience. Sometimes, at least for us, it’s focus on what you do well and what you know well, and ensure that you deliver something good than trying a bit too much, stretching yourself too thin and risking it. I’d rather play it safe, deliver something really good and then look at the future and what could possibly be done than trying a bit too hard and [failing].”


Renegade Kid has finally unleashed a few details about Treasurenauts, which was first uncovered through a trademark filing.

Studio co-founder Jools Watsham confirmed to Operation Rainfall that Treasurenauts will be a 2D game. Additionally, it’s being made on the same engine powering Mutant Mudds.

Treasurenauts is only for the 3DS eShop at the moment. But Watsham did say that a Wii U version is a possibility.

“It’s going to be for the 3DS, potentially for the Wii U, and from what I can say right now is that it’s 2D, and it’s using Mudd‘s engine.”


A new patch is now available for ZombiU. Ubisoft hasn’t prepared any update notes, so we’re unclear what it does at present. It should take care of some glitches/issues at the very least.


– Changed from Killer Freaks because aliens were too fast to use the Gamepad effectively
– Using the Gamepad requires a slower-paced game that lets you look away from the TV occasionally
– The question of how gamers could attach to the story with a perma-death mechanic was a tough hurdle to overcome
– That issue resolved itself, however, because the gameplay told a story that players could get attached to naturally
– Dialogue wasn’t needed to tell this story because it arose out of the player’s individual actions with survivors they got attached to
– Players are meant to be the various survivors, so when the Prepper says the last survivor he knew was sloppy or ineffective, he’s really judging the player

Via GameInformer

There’s more than one Warp Pipe reference in Need for Speed: Most Wanted U. The game contains a total of three, each of which houses a “secret garage”. All locations can be found in the map above.

Drive on top of a pipe and press down on the left stick to access a garage. You’ll find one unique car inside each:

  • Red and Blue Ariel Atom: Representing Mario
  • Pink Caterham: Representing Princess Peach
  • Green BAC Mono: Representing Yoshi

The cars listed above can only be used in single-player mode, and it is not possible to customize the paint of the cars. Polygon also confirms that handling, mods and milestone are the same as the non-themed versions of each car.


REDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Nintendo has released a downloadable update for Nintendo 3DS that will add new functionality to the hand-held system. Items featured in the update include:

  • A tool that allows Nintendo 3DS users to transfer save data from the packaged version of a game to the downloadable version. Players that originally purchased a physical version of a game will be able to pick up right where they left off with their save data if they decide to purchase the digital version of the same game. Save data that is transferred to a digital game cannot be moved back to the physical version.
  • An improvement to the feature that downloads items in the background when the Nintendo 3DS system is in Sleep Mode. Items will now download when the Nintendo eShop is running. Users can simply close the system cover to activate the “Download Later” feature and the game or application will begin to download.

For more information about Nintendo 3DS, visit

Source: Nintendo PR

Toki Tori 2 has completed all steps in the submission process. Developer Two Tribes confirmed on Twitter a short while ago that Nintendo has approved the game, meaning it should hit its April 4 release date. That’s a worldwide release – you’ll be able to pick up Toki Tori 2 in both North America and Europe in just a couple of weeks.


Nintendo is working on new functionality for the eShop. It’s unclear what exactly is in store, but business development manager Dan Adelman told Gamasutra that “there’s a dedicated team working through a roadmap of new features.” Announcements will be made “as they get closer to release.”

“In terms of other Nintendo eShop functionality, there’s a dedicated team working through a roadmap of new features. We’ll be able to announce those as they get closer to release.”


Yoichi Wada became Square Enix’s president in 2000 and has held onto the position for well over a decade. But today, Wada announced that he will be stepping down. Yosuke Matsuda, Square Enix’s former company director and CFO, will be assuming Wada’s position. The decision may very well be set in stone once Square Enix’s annual shareholders meeting wraps up in June, followed by a board of directors meeting.

In addition to Wada’s surprise announcement, Square Enix slashed its fiscal year forecasts due to “the rapidly changing environment of the game businesses.” An “extraordinary” ¥10 billion ($106 million) loss will impact the company’s development policy, organizational structure, and business models. Initially, Square Enix forecasted a net profit of ¥3.5 billion. It is now anticipating a net loss of ¥13 billion. That’s a significant downturn from the ¥6 billion net profit Square Enix achieved in the previous fiscal year.

Game sales overseas – described as “sluggish” – are to blame for Square Enix’s disappointing sales results. The publisher suffered from losses stemming from “the increasingly difficult condition of the worldwide console game market.”

Source 1, Source 2, Source 3

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