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In one way, the Nintendo Update “show” acts as a replacement for Nintendo Week. However, Nintendo Update is produced monthly whereas Nintendo Week could be seen each week… not to mention that Nintendo Week was more of an actual show.

Project Zero 2: Wii Edition hit Europe this past Friday. Anyone pick it up?

How’s that for a trailer?! It’s 10 minutes long!

E.X. Troopers trailer

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Capcom has labeled this E.X. Troopers trailer as “1.5”. It probably contains some footage you’ve seen before, but there’s a bit of new content as well.

Nintendo held an extensive presentation for Calcio Bit 3DS last night. Satoru Iwata even made a couple of short appearances! You can see for yourself in the video above.

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