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The second video introduces another batch of impressive 1-up tricks, speedruns, secrets, and more. You can find the first video here.

New Swapnote footage

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

It seems as though Swapnote is on track for a worldwide launch. It’s been confirmed for Europe and Japan for this week, so I assume that it’s also coming to North America on Thursday.

Not much to say here. Both batteries are rather poor. The 3DS lasted two hours and thirty-five minutes white the PlayStation Vita gave out after three hours and forty-seven minutes.

Chronicles of Vampires: Origins will be released in North America on December 22 for 500 DSi points/$4.99.

This is one of many demos up on the Japanese eShop. It’d be nice if some of these demos arrived on the North American/European stores!

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