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Media Create data indicates that Monster Hunter 4 sold 1,715,060 copies in its first week at Japanese retail. The game’s success cannot be overstated, especially with a sell-through rate of 91.96%.

Yet even with Media Create’s data, it doesn’t tell the full story. Monster Hunter 4 has experienced the best debut in series history.

Monster Hunter Portable 3rd was the previous record holder with 1.951 million copies sold in five days. But if you take into account the game’s retail sales, 155,000 copies sold through download cards, and another 100,000 units sold directly on the eShop, that brings Monster Hunter 4’s total sales to around 1.97 million. It’s even more impressive considering this figure accounts for just two days of sales.


Not one, but two James Bond games are on the way.

System 3 has first announced James Pond: Codename Robocod – a remake of the original. It’s due out early next year on a whole bunch of platforms, including the Wii U and 3DS.

On consoles and handhelds, Codename Robocod will be a re-imagining of the original. You can expect overhauled visuals and audio “built from the ground up for each format”.

In other news, the promised Kickstarter for a brand new James Pond has launched. You can find it here. The team is looking to raise £100,000, and systems are included as stretch goals.


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