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Namco Bandai has announced One Piece: Romance Dawn for Europe. It’s due out in the continent in November.

Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami are just a few of the characters playable in Romance Dawn. Buggy, Arlong, Crocodile, and Rob Lucci will be included as bosses. Namco Bandai has also confirmed two stages thus far: Baratie and Arlong Park.

Players will be able to level up characters, customize and craft new items, and use a couple of new battle features. “Grand Tactical Battles” will require you to react quickly, make a fast decision, and press the right button to decide your own path. Meanwhile, the “Grand Chain” allows for multiple Special Attacks to be performed consecutively.

Source: Namco Bandai PR

EDGE #256 review scores

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

This month’s EDGE review scores are as follows:

Company of Heroes 2 – 7
Plants vs. Zombies 2 – 9
State of Decay – 7
Gunpoint – 8
Marvel Heroes – 4
Mario & Luigi: Dream Team – 7
The Swapper – 7
Stickets – 9
Scurvy Scallywags – 7
Kingdom Rush Frontiers – 8

Thanks to joclo for the tip.



At the Japan Expo in France, Junichi Masuda shared a new Pokemon X/Y message. Included in the video is the reveal of a Steel/Ghost type Pokemon known as Monorpale (French) / Hitotsuki (Japanese). Details about the Pokemon are currently unknown, but Masuda’s message did show the Pokemon unsheathing itself during battle.


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