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A date has been confirmed for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate’s demo during today’s Nintendo Direct. The download will hit the eShop on February 28. Konami will ship the full game in March.

Just like North America, Animal Crossing: New Leaf will launch in Europe this June. A date of June 14 has been set. In the US, New Leaf will arrive on June 9.

Nintendo has finally dated Animal Crossing: New Leaf for North America. The game will be released on June 9.

Update: Nintendo of America and NOE confirm the news as well. Summer release. It’s being rebuilt from the ground up for 3DS.

Donkey Kong Country Returns is coming to the 3DS. Just announced on the Japanese Nintendo Direct, the game will be released this summer. A 3D movie will be available on the Japanese eShop today. The game will be available on the Japanese eShop or at retail.

Nintendo and Capcom have teamed up for two Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate bundles in Europe. Each will include either a Wii U or 3DS and a copy of Ultimate on their respective platforms. The Circle Pad Pro will also be available on the same launch day.

Mario’s next sports title is 3DS-bound. Mario Golf is coming to the portable this summer. Camelot, as expected, is developing the title.

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