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Update: Even more details added after the break!

Another batch of Animal Crossing: Jump Out details can be found below. Today’s roundup comes new Japanese scans, which we posted earlier today.

Read on for information about events, villagers, and other general content.

Weed day (9/3):
– Reggie, the gardener, holds a weed day festival when the gardening shop is open.
– Pick all the weeds to get a special present handmade by Reggie.
– Reggie counts the number of weeds left to be picked.

Harvest Festival (11/4):
– Totally different from previous Animal Crossings.
– Franklin the chef comes and will treat you to food if you help him out and gather ingredients.
– Gather ingredients yourself or through trading things with the villagers.
– Franklin will give you a special present when the food’s ready.

Christmas Eve (12/24):
– Different from previous games.
– The Mayor (the player), dresses up as Santa Claus to give the villagers presents.
– Meet up with Jingle while dressed as Santa Claus to get a sack of presents for the villagers.

New villagers:
– Frank, male eagle, birthday is 6/1, personality is smug.
– Koyuki, female tiger, 12/13 birthday, personality is energetic.
– Mike, male kangaroo, 12/1 birthday, personality is stubborn.
– Arthur, male lion, 8/7 birthday, personality is smart.
– Tsukasa, female? sheep, 10/21 birthday, personality is mature.
– Lily, female wolf, 3/24 birthday, personality is normal.
– Tokio, male? ostrich, 9/23 birthday, personality is airhead.
– ???, female mouse, 2/5 birthday, personality is energetic.
– Osmond, male koala, 10/12 birthday, personality is smart.
– ???, male hippo, 10/15 birthday, personality is smug.
– Kent, brother of Shizue, works at happy home exhibit

Dream Mansion
– Anteater named Yumemi (dream viewer) runs the shop 24/7.
– Connect to the internet and visit other players’ villages from around the world.
– Can head to a village based on address, the type of village you desire, or by area.
– Anything that’s done to the dream village won’t have an impact on the actual village.
– Speak to Wendell (Seiichi) the starving artist while you visit another player’s dream village to get a pattern that that player created.

“Best friend” registration

– you and someone else register one another as best friends
– you can then talk to each other even when you’re not in the same village together
– invite people to your village that are only registered as your best friends

There’s quite a bit of 3DS footage here…

Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion’s third world is from The Little Mermaid. This is the final world – the other two are based on Peter Pan and Aladdin.


Nicalis has been involved with the porting process of Ikachan to DSiWare for awhile now. The studio confirmed recently that it’ll be released on the 3DS eShop as well.

Basically, the decision came down to resolutions. Nicalis wants Ikachan to look the best it can on both the DSi and 3DS.

There’s more information about the decision to bring Ikachan to the 3DS here.

Yesterday’s 3DS eShop update reconfirms that Liberation Maiden will be released on October 25. The news can be found on the ticker at the eShop’s “homepage”.

The latest Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed trailer ends with a release date. SEGA’s racer comes out on November 18 for consoles… but not on handhelds.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed arrives a few weeks later on the 3DS and PlayStation Vita. As shown in the trailer, the portable versions are due on December 11.

Thanks to Einstein for the tip.

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