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Update: President Satoru Iwata shared additional information about the system as the broadcast progressed. The new system is named 3DS LL and is set for a July 28 release in Japan. White, Red/Black, and Silver/Black colors will be available.

3DS LL packs in a 4GB SD card. The system itself features a 4.88 inch screen for 90% extra space. The lower screen has also seen an increase to 4.18 with a 90% space upgrade as well. It’ll feature a slightly improved battery.

Nintendo has just revealed a new 3DS revision during the latest Nintendo Direct. It includes a larger top/touch screens and more.

You can find the first photos of the system above.

AKB48 + ME footage

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Lost Heroes footage

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

… What? Believe it or not, Namco Bandai and Namco Bandai Games/Studios is developing the next Smash Bros. games. Well, they’re one of the project’s contributors. Kid Icarus: Uprising developer Project Sora is also involved, lead by Masahiro Sakurai.

From Namco Bandai, Kobayashi will be producing. Higuchi from the Tales games will be directing.

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