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This week’s Nintendo Download includes the following featured content:

Nintendo eShop
Donkey Kong Jr.™ – In this timeless classic, clamber up vines and chains and gather vital fruit and keys to free your father, Donkey Kong™, who’s been imprisoned by Mario™. (For Nintendo 3DS™)

Nintendo released new footage of Pokemon Black/White 2 and Pokemon Dream Radar in the latest Iwata Asks. We’ve combined the clips into the video above.

Nintendo has published a new Iwata Asks interview focusing on Pokemon Black/White 2. While its only available in Japanese for the time being, it’ll surely be translated before the overseas release of the games.

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, Pokemon Company CEO Tsunekazu Ishihara, and Game Freak development head Junichi Masuda participated in the discussion. The group discussed how the project came to be, why it’s on the DS rather than the 3DS, and more.

A summary of the Iwata Asks interview can be found below.

– Once Black/White were released, the Pokemon staff were trying to decide what should come next
– Iwata noted that Grey would be a likely candidate, the team decided to positively “betray” expectations by trying to put a “2” in the title for the first time
– Black/White 2 is different from past third versions in the sense that there are two SKUs
– According to Masuda, the idea for two games came from an idea that couldn’t be put in Black/White’s development due to time constraints
– This idea needed two SKUs
– Plan for two SKUs led to the beginning of development
– Making Black/White 2 as a sequel came slightly after this
– Masuda said Black/White 2 are coming to the DS rather than the 3DS because there was a desire to make a sequel set in the same world

Thanks to 4Him for the tip.

Source 1, Source 2

A new, juicy interview with Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has gone live. It’s actually so juicy that I couldn’t possibly cram all of the quotes into a title of reasonable length!

Reggie opened up  about how Nintendo isn’t rushing Wii U due to the poor performance of any of its other systems and the success of the console will be compared to Wii. He also delved into the Wii U’s account system, marketing challenge for casual players, how the Wii U’s launch information will be partially determined by E3 feedback, non-concern over the power of other next-gen consoles, and Nintendo’s approach for third-party support.


Like always, we’ve posted all of Reggie’s comments for you below.

New Pokemon Black/White 2 details have been translated from CoroCoro. For new images, head on over to this link.

The new information is as follows:

– CoroCoro shows Keldeo’s Resolution Form
– Magby/Magmar/Magmortar & Buneary/Lopunny are exclusive to Black 2
– Elekid/Electabuzz/Electivire and Skitty/Delcatty are exclusive to White 2
– Cities are very different than Black/White
– PokeTransfer works for all generations IV DS games
– Black/White 2 feature different caves
– Black 2’s cave is Water-based
– White 2’s cave is Magma-based
– Black City and White Forest are back
– Elesa’s Gym has become like a fashion show
– Elesa has a Flaaffy
– Need Terrakion, Virizion and Cobalion in Sangi Town to change form to Resolution Form
– Form changes when Secret Sword is learned
– Resolution Form is 1.4m and 48.5kg
– Free Wi-Fi distribution
– Piplup with Sing ability will be given between July 20 and August 9 through Wi-Fi
– You will receive a special Fes Mission in Castelia City if you show a person Meloetta
– This mission is called “A Great Berry Search Adventure”
– Mission has you looking for berries in Unova, lasts 3 minute
– Another Fes Mission is the “Search for Audino” mission
– The Join Avenue image shows the user at a shop where an item is being sold, ‘Gambare A Lunch’, which is said to increase Hit Point Base Points (as in EVs) when consumed by a Pokémon
– Can obtain Porygon with the Pokemon Dream Radar
– Use Dream Orbs obtained in Dream Radar to power your capture device
– Item is confirmed to change the forms of Tornadus, Thundurus & Landorus
– Item is the Reflecting Mirror
– Find the mirror by taking the Landorus captured in Dream Radar to a specific area of the game
– Item changes the Sacred Beast Forms into Incarnation Form
– Tornadus has Regenerator
– Thundurus has Volt Absorb
– Landorus has Intimidate


Who’s up for another interview with Shigeru Miyamoto? The latest discussion has the legendary game designer talking about how Wii U can change games, what the console’s message is, the differences in making Wii U and 3DS/DS games,  Miyamoto’s hobbies leading to new game ideas, and his small teams/future projects.

Head past the break for a full transcript of the Q&A.

01./00. [PS3] Tokyo Jungle (SCEI) – 110,309 / NEW
02./01. [3DS] Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry no Wonderland 3D (Square Enix) – 83,329 / 596,512 (-84%)
03./00. [PSV] Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed: Battle Destiny (Namco Bandai) – 40,297 / NEW
04./02. [PS3] Dragon’s Dogma (Capcom) – 34,184 / 419,208 (-59%)
05./03. [3DS] Mario Tennis Open (Nintendo) – 24,030 / 167,154 (-42%)
06./04. [WII] Mario Party 9 (Nintendo) – 17,253 / 417,643 (-12%)
07./07. [3DS] Super Mario Land 3D (Nintendo) – 9,390 / 1,614,505 (-6%)
08./00. [PSP] Storm Lover Kai!! (D3 Publisher) – 7,931 / NEW
09./09. [3DS] Fire Emblem: Awakening (Nintendo) – 7,031 / 408,030 (-27%)
10./10. [3DS] Mario Kart 7 (Nintendo) – 6,743 / 1,735,081 (-13%)
11./12. [3DS] Monster Hunter 3 G (Capcom) – 6,146 / 1,471,805 (-12%)
12./05. [3DS] Guild01 (Level 5) – 5,297 / 20,087 (-64%)
13./06. [PS3] Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Hokuto no Ken F – Legend of the End of the Century Savior (SEGA) – 4,880 / 18,638 (-65%)
14./16. [WII] Wii Sports Resort (w/ Wii Remote+) (Nintendo) – 4,159 / 957,445 (-1%)
15./14. [3DS] Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games (Nintendo) – 3,888 / 180,244 (-11%)
16./21. [WII] Wii Party (Nintendo) – 3,342 / 2,361,947
17./18. [3DS] Kid Icarus: Uprising (Nintendo) – 3,157 / 287,709 (-21%)
18./26. [3DS] Nintendogs + cats (Nintendo) – 2,568 / 559,947
19./22. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (BEST) (Capcom) – 2,366 / 263,502
20./29. [WII] Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo) – 2,264 / 3,573,260


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