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Below is a partial listing of digital downloads coming to the eShop, DSiWare, and WiiWare services. More information about each game can be found at the included links.

July 12

Candle Route (DSiWare) – $1.99 / 200 points
Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition (WiiWare) – 700 points
Johnny Kung Fu (eShop) – $5.99

July 19

Petit Computer (DSiWare) – $7.99
The Phantom Thief Stina and 30 Jewels (eShop) – $4.99


I think this Nintendo Download sets the record for most games available in a single week. There’s really a lot to be interested here between the Heroes of Ruin demo, Sakura Samurai discount, and and classic games on the eShop and Wii Shop Channel.

This week’s Nintendo Download includes the following featured content:

Nintendo eShop

The Legend of Zelda™ – Celebrate the Nintendo eShop “8-bit Summer” series with this smash-hit adventure, originally released on the NES™ console in 1987. Help Link™ restore the Triforce, rescue the princess and thwart Ganon’s evil plans. (For Nintendo 3DS™)

NES Open Tournament Golf™ – This classic NES game from 1991 – now available for Nintendo 3DS as part of the Nintendo eShop “8-bit Summer” series – lets you challenge another player in Stroke, Match and Tournament modes. (For Nintendo 3DS)

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

3DS – 66,391
Vita – 25,636
PS3 – 17,292
PSP – 10,674
Wii – 6,987
PS2 – 1,250
Xbox 360 – 1,156
DSi – 840
DSi LL – 728

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

3DS – 68,056
PS3 – 15,680
Vita – 13,589
PSP – 8,954
Wii – 6,127
Xbox 360 – 1,073
PS2 – 1,065
DSi = 900
DSi LL – 704

So, this is incredibly odd. Famitsu has posted its entire data of the latest software/hardware sales in Japan. It usually waits a week before providing any sort of concrete numbers, but not this time! This could be a pretty big change for Famitsu…

In any case, we’ve posted the translated software/hardware sales below. We’ll also post Media Create’s data later today.


1. [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 – 416,850 / 2,035,471
2. [PS3] Atelier Ayesha – 75,874 / NEW
3. [PS3] Robotics;Notes – 57,797 / NEW
4. [3DS] Culdcept – 54,086 / NEW
5. [3DS] Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry’s Wonderland 3D – 43,648 / 787,615
6. [PS3] Resident Evil Chronicles HD Collection – 28,042 / NEW
7. [WII] Project Zero 2: Wii Edition – 24,804 / NEW
8. [PSV] Metal Gear Solid HD Collection – 23,586 / NEW
9. [360] Robotics;Notes – 17,076 / NEW
10. [PS3] .hack Sekai No Mukou Ni + Versus Hybrid Pack – 16,664 / NEW
11. [PS3] The IdolM@ster: Gravure For You! Vol. 9 – 14,086 / NEW
12. [WII] Mario Party 9 – 12,314 / 458,034
13. [PSV] Persona 4 Golden – 12,261 / 182,829
14. [3DS] Mario Tennis Open – 12,035 / 240,521
15. [PS3] Tokyo Jungle – 11,491 / 178,628
16. [PSP] Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~ – 11,124 / NEW
17. [PSP] Kenka Banchou Bros. Tokyo Battle Royal – 10,474 / 29,284
18. [PSP] Strike Witches: Shirogane no Tsubasa – 8,964 / NEW
19. [3DS] Super Mario 3D Land – 5,797 / 1,654,003
20. [3DS] Monster Hunter Tri G – 5,484 / 1,480,200
21. [WII] Wii Sports Resort – 5,052 / 2,909,384
22. [PS3] Dragon’s Dogma – 5,021 / 449,008
23. [3DS] Jake Hunter: Rondo of Revenge – 4,994 / NEW
24. [3DS] Mario Kart 7 – 4,652 / 1,752,616
25. [PSP] unENDing Bloody Call – 4,408 / NEW
26. [PSP] Arabic Lost Caverns 3,747 / NEW
27. [PS3] Lollipop Chainsaw – 3,626 / 62,608
28. [WII] Wii Party – 3,615 / 2,296,760
29. [PSP] Akiba’s Trip Plus – 3,421 / 36,223
30. [WII] Taiko no Tatsujin Wii: Ketteiban – 3,085 / 238,028


3DS – 65,267
Vita – 22,638
PS3 – 16,399
PSP – 11,461
Wii – 6,880
Xbox 360 – 861
DSi – 657
PS2 – 490

Overall, 3DS sales have improved since the system’s initial launch. It is, however, still struggling a bit overseas.

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata told investors at a meeting last week that 3DS sales have stabilized in Japan and have some momentum. But in the U.S. and Europe, “the sales pace went down after the beginning of 2012.” Iwata believes the 3DS XL and New Super Mario Bros. 2 can improve the situation.

Iwata also commented on how “one of the difficulties Nintendo is facing in terms of spreading the Nintendo 3DS is the difference of the mainstream products between Japan, where the handheld video games are the main products, and the U.S., where the home console video games are the main ones.”

Read on below for his full response.

Don’t count on a waterproof 3DS or a system with a high quality sound anytime soon. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has said that the company has no plans to introduce value-added models in the near future.

Iwata told investors recently that introducing too many 3DS models could make consumers unsure about which product they should purchase. He compared the situation to cell phones, of which there are “too many options”. Iwata wouldn’t rule anything out for the long-term future, however.

Nintendo only introduced the 3DS XL due to requests for a larger screen. Iwata noted that the DSi XL was well-received when it was released.


Castlevania the Adventure – £2.70

3DS Download

Zombie Slayer Diox – £5.40
Mutant Mudds demo – free


Escape the Virus: Swarm Survival – £1.80 / 200 points

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy DLC – £0.90 each

A Fleeting Dream (FF10 – FMS)
Ride On (FF08 – FMS)
Cosmo Canyon (FF07 – FMS)
In Search of Light (FF05 – FMS)
Fighting Fate (FF13 – BMS)
Fighters of the Crystal (FF11 – BMS)
The Final Battle (FF04 – BMS)
Battle Theme 1 (FF02 – BMS)

Nintendo Video

The Amazing Spider Man trailer
Ice Age 4 – Continental Drift trailer
Kid Icarus 3D Anime clips – Thanatos Rising Part Three

Source: Nintendo PR

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