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Some Nintendo fans may remember Diddy Kong Pilot, a GBA title that would have acted as a sequel to Donkey Kong Racing. Technically the title made it to market, but the final product saw significant changes. The retail release, named “Banjo-Pilot”, swapped out Donkey Kong characters for characters in the Banjo-Kazooie series once Microsoft purchased Rare.

In any case, new screenshots and footage of the original game have emerged… more or less a decade later. We also have some details on cups, commentary from a developer who worked on the project, and more. You can even read about the short-lived character “Crappy Kong”!

You can find all of the content after the break.

Over a year ago, a former NintendoEverything writer started a series of “Time Capsule” articles taking a look back at games we have fond memories of. While others might choose to take a look at something like Star Fox 64 or Super Metroid, we all have different ideas of what qualifies as a “classic” game. And that’s why I’ll be taking a look at game that no-one but me would ever call a “classic”: Sonic Pinball Party. Yep, It’s definitely an unconventional pick, since —let’s be honest— the title makes it sound like shovelware riding on the persistent popularity of Sega’s spiky mascot, but I swear it’s one of the best titles for the Game Boy Advance.

Nintendo has elaborated on their DSiWare plans for The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords. The company revealed that the title is indeed a port of the GBA version. You know, the extra addition made to A Link to the Past on GBA. Any sort of online support is therefore unlikely. But hey, it’s free!


1. Metroid: Zero Mission
2. Castlevania: Area of Sorrow
3. Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
4. Astro Boy: Omega Factor
5. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
6. WarioWare Inc.: Mega Microgame$
7. Drill Dozer
8. Gunstar Super Heroes
9. Metroid Fusion
10. Advance Wars

One of these days I’ll have to pick up another copy of Metroid Fusion. I played it constantly back in the GBA days, but somehow lost it. My collection was never the same again!

3DS region-clock

– Unconfirmed
– Sounds like the 3DS will be region-locked
– DSi was region-locked, DS/Lite were not
– Primary reason Nintendo does region-locking is for piracy

3DS Game Coins

– Shown in screenshots/video
– Different theories about what it actually does

The 3DS will be Nintendo’s first portal system ever to feature 3D images. But did you know that this wasn’t the only handheld Nintendo has experimented with in the third dimension? According to Satoru Iwata, the company also tested 3D with the Game Boy Advance. However, the product never saw the light of day due to low resolution of the LCD at the time.

Iwata: For example, a sample screen used in the Nintendo 3DS to illustrate how you can see three-dimensional images without special glasses was functioning on the Game Boy Advance SP system.

Shigesato Itoi: Game Boy Advance SP? That’s the Game Boy Advance system that opens and closes, right? So…even before Nintendo DS?

Iwata: Yes, that’s right. Making three-dimensional images that can be seen by the naked eye requires a special liquid crystal, so we tested it out by putting it in the Game Boy Advance SP. But the resolution of LCD was low then, so it didn’t look that great and it never made it to being a product.

In order to make images look three-dimensional without special glasses, you display the images for the left and right eyes separately, and deliver each one separately. To do that you need high resolution and high-precision technology. We didn’t have that to a sufficient degree back then, so the stereoscopic effect wasn’t very sharp.

Itoi: I see.

We provided you guys with a sneak peak of Nintendo Power’s “Game Changers” article a couple of weeks ago via a scan released on the magazine’s official website, but we’ve posted the complete list below.

13. Wii Fit
Influenced such games as: EA Sports Active: More Workouts, Just Dance, Jillian Michaels’ Fitness Ultimatum

12. Metroid
Influenced such games as: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Mega Man ZX, Shantae: Risky’s Revenge

11. Nintendogs
Influenced such games as: SimAnimals, Viva Piñata: Pocket Paradise, Monster Tale

10. Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day
Influenced such games as: Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree, Professor Layton and the Curious Village, Art Academy

9. GoldenEye 007
Influenced such games: Metroid Prime, Call of Duty: World at War, The Conduit

8. Tetris
Influenced games such as: Dr. Mario, Columns, Puyo Pop

7. Pokemon Red Version and Pokemon Blue Version
Influenced such games as: Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Duel Stories, Mega Man Battle Network, Dragon Quest Monsters

6. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Influenced such games as: Resident Evil 4, Star Fox Adventures, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days


1. Iridion 3D – Medley 5:28
2. Iridion 3D – Space Assault 3:28
3. Iridion 3D – Asteroid Belt 3:01
4. Iridion 3D – Space Station 2:34
5. Iridion II – See The Sun Burn 3:03
6. Iridion II – Spiral Bliss 3:12
7. Iridion II – Two Years Gone 3:06
8. Iridion II – Citizen Discharged 3:12
9. Iridion II – Aniki 3:12
10. Iridion II – Cold Play 3:52
11. Bonus Track – Cessation 2:55
12. Bonus Track – Accomplished Offence 1:58


1. Super Mario Galaxy
2. Resident Evil 4
3. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
4. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
5. Super Smash Bros Brawl
6. Metroid Prime
7. Elite Beat Agents
8. Metroid: Zero Mission
9. Mario Kart Wii
10. The World Ends With You

The last decade saw a number of changes, not just for Nintendo, but for the gaming industry as a whole. As systems became more powerful we were introduced to new games, as well as new ways to play games. We were forced to say goodbye to some of our favorite developers and series, but we still discovered new ones, and even some old ones that had been forgotten over time. As time progressed from the year 2000 to 2009, gaming also progressed, changing from a fairly niche pastime to a culture that gained some degree of mainstream recognition. These are the 10 games for Nintendo systems that I feel best represent gaming over the last 10 years.

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