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Weekly savings

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

Best Buy

Rayman: Raving Rabbids 2 (Wii) – $29.99

Circuit City

Mario Kart DS (DS) – $27.99
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Wii) – $29.99
NYKO Wii Charge Station – $24.99
PSYCLONE 3-Pack Racing Wheel Grip for Wii – $14.99

Kotoba no Puzzle: Mojipittan Wii (1000 points) – 72,971
FFCC: My Life as a King (1000 points) – 129,904
Dr. Mario & Bacteria Extermination (1000 points) – 43,354
Everyone’s Pokemon Ranch (1000points) – 234,745

Unfortunately, this bit of news comes from a fairly unreliable source. Until we see official numbers from Nintendo or a more reliable source, I’d consider this a rumor for the time being.



Recently, Ben Judd of Capcom sat down for an interview with IGN. Since the interview was mostly focused on Bionic Commando, a topic brought up during the Q&A was Bionic Commando on the Virtual Console. Judd responded by saying “that also couldn’t happen…If it’s not on the Virtual Console, you can bet there’s a reason for it.” Judd was taciturn in providing a firm reason as to why Bionic Commando won’t be hitting the VC anytime soon, but further investigation shows that only Nintendo seems to be blocking any chance of the original game going live.

Not all too surprising considering the ordeal Nintendo apparently had over GoldenEye. I suppose that once a developer releases an original Nintendo game on a competition’s system (in this case, Xbox Live), Nintendo doesn’t become too happy.


NES – Double Dragon

Man, only one title? I suppose Nintendo’s preparing for WiiWare.


Retro revivals:

Sonic Unleashed
Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff for Wii/DS
Alone in the Dark
Tetris Wii
Alien Crush Wii
Bomberman Wii
Space Invaders Extreme


– Rock Band 2 with new modes
– New Castlevania for DS, Wii, and a 3D 360/PS3 game


Mario Kart Wii – B+, C+, C
Good: A few great new tracks and powerups
Bad: Dumbed-down gameplay, predictable design

Blast Works: Build, Trade, Destroy – A, A-, B-
Good: Rich level/object editor
Bad: That’s pretty much if after beating the campaign

Castle of Shikigami III – C+, C+, B-
Good: It’s a shoot-em-up on Wii
Bad: It’s too short and too tough

Myst – C-, D, D
Good: Some of the new tools help
Bad: though most of them are useless

Super Dodgeball Brawlers – C+, C, C+
Good: A content-rich remake, new special moves
Bad: Short on bells and whistles, outdated presentation

I know a lot of people would be more than pleased to see Castlevania on the Wii. The new game title (Castlevania Jugement) that was discovered not too long ago may give this rumor a bit of validity. All we can do is hope for the best and wait to see if Capcom has anything in store.



Super Dodge Ball (E)


Magnetica Twist (E) – May be a Wii game
Family Ping Pong (E)
Pop (E)

If Magnetica on WiiWare is able to replicate the gameplay that can be found on the DS, I’m sure that this will be one title I’ll pick up on the Wii Shop Channel.


Japanese VC lineup

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 2 Comments


Next week

– Famicom Tantei Club Part II (Super Famicom, Nintendo)
– Toki no Keishousha: Phantasy Star III (Mega Drive, Sega)

Lineup for May

– Bubble Bobble (Taito)

Super Famicom
– Axelay (Konami)
– Ganbare Goemon 2: Kiteretsu Shougun Magginesu (Konami)
– Front Mission Gun Hazard (Square Enix)

Master System
– Alex Kidd in Miracle World (Sega)

Mega Drive
– Toki no Keishousha: Phantasy Star III (Sega)
– Gynoug (NCS)
– Super Fantasy Zone (Sega)

– Star Parodier (Hudson)
– Fire Pro Wrestling 2nd Bout (Spike)
– Break In (Naxat Soft)
– Martial Champion (Konami)

– Garou Densetsu 2: Arata-naru Tatakai (D4)
– Ninja Combat (D4)
– Burning Fight (D4)


First day sales in Japan

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 2 Comments

NDS Taiko no Tatsujin DS 2 – 32K, 70% sell-through
NDS Summon Night – 26K
NDS Junguuji Saburou – 5-6K
NDS Yatta Man – 1.5 – 2.5K
NDS Phoenix Wright 3 New Best Price – 1.5 – 2.5K
NDS Dream Cat DS – 1.5 – 2.5K
NDS That’s QT – 1.5 – 2.5K
NDS Days of Memories 2 – 1.5 – 2.5K


According to UK retailer Woolworths, Wii Fit has been selling 90 copies for each minute that passes by. A good number of people also waited outside the store in the morning to be one of the first to purchase the game. Although not every store has sold out of copies, it is expected that many stores will run out of stock as soon as today. Wii Fit launched in Europe just a few hours ago, and has already been released in Japan. American gamers can get their hands on a copy on May 19th.


“Our earnings projection for the year is not based on hardware price cuts, and I don’t think we are going to need them.” – Satoru Iwata, President of Nintendo

With the Wii and DS Lite continuing to perform well in the market, it would not be a wise move on Nintendo to cut prices on their systems at this point. If by some unknown reason the Wii and DS falter, Nintendo could try a number techniques to boost their sales (such as bringing it new colors.)


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