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1 (1) Super Mario Bros 3
2 (2) Super Mario Bros
3 (3) Mario Kart 64
4 (10) Cruis’n USA
5 (5) Super Mario 64
6 (4) Super Mario World
7 (6) Bomberman 93
8 (7) The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time
9 (8) Super Street Fighter 2
10 (9) Super Mario Bros 2
11 (12) Sonic 3
12 (13) Pac-Man
13 (15) The Legend of Zelda : A Link to the Past
14 (16) Sonic
15 (E) International Karate
16 (14) 1080 Snowboarding
17 (11) Kirby 64 : The Crystal Shards
18 (19) Paper Mario
19 (17) Kirby’s Adventure
20 (18) Bubble Bobble

I’m pretty surprised to see Crus’n so high up on the list. There are much better choices on the Virtual Console to choose from! Perhaps people are looking for a nostalgic game.


SAN RAFAEL, CA, April 10, 2008 – Interactive entertainment pioneer Telltale, Inc. is pleased to announce Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People (SBCG4AP), a new series of episodic games for WiiWare™, in partnership with Videlectrix. Starring Strong Bad, the self-proclaimed coolest person ever, the series is based on Matt and Mike Chapman’s online animated series, which has been running at since 2000. SBCG4AP will launch on WiiWare this June.

As the very first episodic series for connected consoles, Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People has been designed specifically for WiiWare, with easy-to-use controls and WiiConnect24™ features. Like Telltale’s popular Sam & Max series, SBCG4AP will be released as a five-episode “season” akin to a season of television. The episodes will come out on a monthly schedule. Release dates and pricing details will be revealed in a future announcement.

“ is one of the biggest success stories in online entertainment,” says Telltale CEO Dan Connors. “The Chapmans have been treating the Internet to episodic content for years. We’re thrilled to have teamed up with them to take episodic gaming to the next level via Nintendo’s innovative WiiWare delivery system.”

REDMOND, Wash., April 10, 2008 – The ongoing excitement over Nintendo’s groundbreaking Wii™ system gets a surprise springtime boost with the announcement of a new game. Kicking off its semiannual media summit in San Francisco near the company’s new sales and marketing offices in Redwood City, Calif., Nintendo of America today revealed plans for Mario Super Sluggers™ for Wii, giving baseball fans even more reason to root this season.

“Mario is truly a one-of-a-kind character; clearly fans can’t get enough of him and his friends,” said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. “We’re giving Wii users brilliant new ways to enjoy him while expanding our series of active-play games.”

In the same spirit as other sports-themed Mario™ games on Wii like Mario Strikers® Charged and Mario Kart® Wii, Mario Super Sluggers blends richly interactive baseball action with eccentric characters and elements from across the popular Mario universe. Players can swing the wireless Wii Remote™ just like a real bat or wave it toward the plate to deliver a masterful pitch, enjoying the same intuitive, easy-to-learn controls that helped make Wii Sports™ a living room hit. With Mario and his unpredictable pals filling out the roster, imagination and active-play innovation are sure to dominate the diamond in this lively title, scheduled for release later this year.

Summary from IGN

Nintendo Media Summit begins. Cammie takes stage. Talks about her new role at Nintendo. Mentions Wii Fit. “Wii Fit can show people who have never had an interest in gaming that this is something that is a heck of a lot of fun to be involved with.” Dunaway also says, “Wii Fit is very much an answer to core gamers.”

Dunaway refers to Mario Kart as a “bridge” title that will appeal to both casual and hardcore players.

Confirms that NOA will spend some time over the next two days talking about WiiWare. (IGN knows of several WiiWare games expected to be demoed throughout Friday, including LostWinds.)

“Want to make sure that [Wii] is an opportunity for game developers to try something different.” References Boom Blox, de Blob and Guitar Hero DS.

One more piece of news: Mario Super Sluggers. Coming to America. “We think that this is going to take these three wonderful areas of Mario, baseball and the unique capabilities of the Wii remote and bring them together in an exciting experience.”

UPDATE: I’m pretty sure that this information is fake. The logo appears to be a near replica of the F-Zero AX logo.


Mario, Zelda, and Metroid. These big three Nintendo guns have been released on the Nintendo Wii, but other well-known franchises such as Animal Crossing and F-Zero have not. According to one particular source, “F-Zero Z” will be announced at this year’s E3. Fans can expect an online mode and a weapons system. Because this hasn’t been officially confirmed, I advise to stay hopefully optimistic.



Super Mario Stadium Family Baseball ? June 19 / 5,800 yen (tax included)
Disaster: Day of Crisis ? July 3 / 6,800 yen (tax included)

If these dates are to be believed, it’s quite possible that the North American audience will receive these games this year. Usually, games are released in North America a few weeks/months after they are released in Japan. So, it’s definitely possible that we’ll see these games fairly soon, or perhaps even before they come out in Japan.

Hm…Perhaps these are two games that Nintendo will feature at E3, and even their media summit.


Perfect Prosecutor (DS/Capcom)

* A law adventure game where you act as the prosecutor.
* Main characters are Miles Edgeworth, Dick Gumshoe
* You control Edgeworth, searching for overlooked evidence and inconsistencies at the crime scene.
* New search and deduction systems are introduced.

Twilight Syndrome: Legend of the Forbidden City (DS/????/7-24)

* New work within the series
* Main character, schoolgirl Mizuki, is led on a chain of horror after receiving a strange chain mail.
* Mizuki: UENO Mami, Riko: HORI Yuri, Reika: SHIHONO Ryo
* Scrolling right and left, you can examine interesting places, checking the truth of rumors

Band Brothers DX(DS/Nintendo/6-26)

* Over 30 tracks chosen from classical and J-pop
* Over 50 different instruments usable
* NES is a usable instrument
* Play guitar by strumming with the pen
* Up to 6-player local jam sessions
* Singing mode with karaoke for both base game and DLC

Review scores

We Are Fossil Diggers?8879
Let’s Invest DS 6676
* Over 100 tracks through DLC

Release dates

Nintendo DS

5/29 Infinite Frontier (BanNam)
6/19 Puyo Puyo Special Price (Sega)
6/26 Our Video Game Exam (BanNam)
6/26 Band Brothers DX (Nintendo)
7/24 Twilight Syndrome (Spike)
late July MoeSta~Moemoe Tokyo U English Exam~ (Mirai Shonen)
December Momotaro Dentetsu 20th Anniversary (Hudson)
summer Sangokushi Taisen AMA (Sega)
?? Perfect Prosecutor (Capcom)
?? Glory of Heracles (Nintendo)


6/5 Shiren the Wanderer 3 (Sega)
6/19 Puyo Puyo Special Price (Sega)
‘08 Battalion Wars VS (Nintendo
?? “Action Game” (BanNam)
?? Soul Eater: Monotone Princess (SE)


Sega Superstars Tennis (PS3, 360, Wii) 7.25 / 7.5
Okami (Wii) 9.25 / 8.5
Obscure: The Aftermath (Wii, PS2, PC) 3
Destroy All Humans: Big Willy Unleashed (Wii) 5
Worms: A Space Oddity (Wii) 6.75
Major League Baseball 2K8 (Wii) 6.75
Castle of Shikigami III (Wii) 6.5
The World Ends With You (DS) 8.25 / 8 *HANDHELD GAME of the MONTH
Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword (DS) 7.75 / 8
Lost in Blue 3 (DS) 6.25
Teenage Zombies (DS) 6.75
Puchi Puchi Virus (DS) 7.5
Insecticide (DS) 5.75

– Sony ‘Waggle’ controller brought up again
– Return of Road Rash rumored once more


First Lost Wind footage

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments

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