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Wii U

Last month we reported on some unfortunate muscle pains that were plaguing Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai, but this month we have some even worse news: Doctors say the issue is more severe than originally thought, and he’ll have to cease using his right arm almost entirely in the coming weeks. Don’t take my word for it, though, here’s Sakurai himself explaining the issue in a weekly blog he writes for Famitsu:

“I think the one word I’ve said the most this year, by far, is ‘Ow!’. Not only am I getting calcific tendonitis, but they’ve also found what are apparently several ruptures in the muscles. There’s no instant cure for it, so all I can do is either block the pain with injections or put my arm in a cast to keep the ruptures from spreading. I was told that the important thing was to keep my arm as rested as possible.”

“If this disorder lingers, or if it never gets fixed, there’s no telling what impact that would have on the project. I’ve had to control two characters at once in a lot of game projects up to now, so as long as I keep it to simple moves, this works well enough. It doesn’t go that easy with the Nintendo 3DS version, though, and the debug camera is pretty hard to control. Still, now I realize how important it is to have your health. I’m glad I’m still in good enough shape to work.”

– Kirby, Smash Bros. Creator Masahiro Sakurai

Well… at least we know the 3DS version has a debug camera now! Best of luck to Sakurai, and I think I speak for a lot of folk when I say I hope he gets better both for Smash Bros. and for his own sake!

Via Polygon

While most had guessed by this point that the upcoming reveal of Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag would be pirate-related, this new discovery (from the same tipster that brought Kotaku the original promotional poster image) cements it. As you can see, the image is a map of Cuba and the surrounding islands as well as a full-view version in the bottom left corner that says “The Coastlands of Florida”.

Whether this is the only location in the game is anyone’s guess, but it will most certainly end up being one of them.

Via Kotaku

This week’s GameStop deals are as follows:

So you can apparently ride a dinosaur in LEGO City: Undercover… that’s impressive.


The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

3DS LL – 49,317
3DS – 25,412
PS3 – 18,529
Vita – 11,456
Wii U – 9,633
PSP – 8,981
Wii – 1,317
Xbox 360 – 473

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

3DS LL – 66,139
3DS – 31,832
PS3 – 16,934
Wii U – 10,744
PSP – 10,501
Vita – 8,044
Wii – 1,655
Xbox 360 – 506

LEGO City: Undercover will have a lot for players to see and do. Executive producer Loz Doyle estimates that it’ll take players 40-50 hours to complete everything.

There are so many vehicles, characters and missions. There’s so much content in the game already – you’re talking 40-50 hours to get 100%, it’s difficult to imagine what we could put in. We wouldn’t rule it out, but it’d have to be the right thing to fit with the rest of the game.

…Initially in the San Francisco area at the start of the game you’re really focused on the story, but as you get more abilities you’ll see things that had locked icons before that you couldn’t use, and now you can. That’ll encourage you to explore and use those different game mechanics and abilities.

LEGO City truly packs in a massive amount of content. Players will be able to ride many different vehicles, collect different items, take advantage of an array of costumes, and more.

Source, Via

Ubisoft decided to delay the Wii U version of Rayman Legends so that it could launch the game alongside the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions. However, it won’t be sitting in a corner somewhere – the team will be using the extra time to improve the experience.

Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot suggested that Legends could see an increase in the amount of bosses and hinted at further social features:

“What’s very important to consider is that, when a team has more time, they are able to continue to improve the quality of the game. When we saw we had more time, we saw all of the possibilities. Some of the possibilities are the social features that we are seeing today, but also new bosses, new possibilities that will take the game to a level that people will love.”

Rayman Legends is now scheduled to launch in September. The Wii U version would have been out today, had Ubisoft not pushed back its release.


Nintendo is publishing LEGO City: Undercover even though it isn’t being made internally. But while the Big N is tied to the game, the company mainly allowed developer TT Fusion to do its own thing without interfering.

Know that Nintendo wasn’t out of the picture completely. TT Fusion shared Undercover’s script and other elements, and Nintendo actually suggested that the team include references and cameos.

According to executive proudcer Loz Doyle:

“We were sharing information with them, the script and everything went to them to look at, and they were always keen to have a look at the game and let us know what they thought. They pretty much left us to it to develop the game, and only flagged things up if they thought there was a major problem, but on the whole they acknowledged the fact that we know how to make a LEGO game better than they do. So they were quite happy for us to make it. Nintendo cameo ideas came from them, as they suggested getting some of those references in there; which we obviously lapped up. Overall they were not that intrusive, but hands on in terms of getting the game to its finished state.”


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