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A lot of people sell their in-game MMO items for real money. It’s sort of common among players of games like World of Warcraft, with some entire accounts netting hundreds (or even thousands!) of dollars for people. Square Enix, however, doesn’t want any of that going on in their Dragon Quest MMO, Dragon Quest X.

So far, the company has “seized” 19.2 million “gold” from being sold and has closed the accounts that were attempting to make some profit from a game they didn’t make. Whoever was buying the gold was probably planning on using it to build a house, buy some land, or get some cool new weapons.

This stuff sounds awfully silly to me! Doesn’t Square Enix have anything better to worry about!?

Via Siliconera

Despite the fact that it just launched today, Ubisoft’s highly anticipated Assassin’s Creed 3 received a patch this morning that fixes an absolutely absurd amount of things. How they didn’t catch this stuff prior to release is beyond me, but essentially the patch just plugs a ton of holes in a ship that would have been sinking upon departure. If you want the list of things that it fixes (PS360 only so far), go to our sister site.

The real question is whether or not this is going to affect Wii U owners who decide to purchase the game in a few weeks. I can’t find any information on it just yet, but if anything crops up I’ll be sure to let you know. I guess what it comes down to is whether or not Ubisoft pressed the Wii U version of the game alongside the other versions.

Via Dtoid

The first Assassin’s Creed III review is in, just ahead of the game’s launch tomorrow. Italy’s Xbox 360 Magazine handed down a verdict in its November 2012 issue.

The publication praised the spectacular combat system, total immersion in environments, and visuals. It also said that Assassin’s Creed III features the most beautiful naval battles of all time.

“An absolute masterpiece to which the experience remains indispensable for any fan of video games and beyond, with a depth of gameplay and longevity unparalleled in the action scene, a game that will remain in the annals for a long time.”

Italy’s Xbox 360 Magazine concluded by proclaiming that Assassin’s Creed III is one of the best games of this generation and handed out a perfect 10/10 score.

Obviously the Wii U version wasn’t reviewed here. But based on the fact that the game will be “exactly the same” on the upcoming console, this news bodes well for potential Wii U owners.

At this point, I have no idea what’s going on with Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed’s release date on consoles.

Amazon pushed the game back to December 11 on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii U – that’s the same date as the 3DS and Vita versions. But Sumo Digital, Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed’s developer, said this was just an error on the retailer’s part.

Now SEGA’s customer support is offering up a contradicting message, suggesting that the title really has been delayed.

A message sent to us from reader Lars Havnes reads:

“It was not a screwup on Amazon’s part. As much as we want to release the game, we also want to ensure that it is not rushed and is released in the best possible state. While waiting for an extra month seems unfair, it is only being done in the best interest of those who are purchasing the game.”

And so we’re back to ground zero. Care to clarify the situation for us, SEGA?

ESRB updates (10/29/12)

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments

This week’s ESRB updates are as follows:

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (3DS) – E
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 (3DS) – E
Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts 2013 (Wii U/Wii) – T
Game Party Champions (Wii U) – E
Petz Countryside (3DS) – E
Adventure Time: Hey Ice King why’d you steal our garbage?!! (DS) – E10+
Funky Barn (Wii U) – E


It looks like Ubisoft prepared different launch trailers for Assassin’s Creed III. The North American one is above. The UK one was posted here.

ZombiU players will find that the game’s multiplayer mode is set in St. George’s Yard. This area houses the different arenas.

Story director Gabrielle Shrager says that St. George’s Yard is like a “hell within hell.”

Shrager told ONM:

“You’ve seen the Tower Of London gameplay footage by now, so you know we are going to have to breach the Traitor’s Gate and penetrate the depths of the Bloody Tower to find the Raven Of Dee’s Secret Bunker, but you’ve never heard of St George’s Yard. St George’s is our hell within hell. Survivors here are unwilling participants in a twisted game in which they are thrown to the infected. Our multiplayer arenas are a spin-off of this mission in the campaign.”

King of Zombies is just one of the title’s multiplayer modes. It’s comparable to Capture the Flag. One user will have the GamePad and can place zombies around the flag. The other, meanwhile, will be shooting them down with a Pro Controller.


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