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Wii U

Little Inferno details

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments

Details concerning Little Inferno, an upcoming Wii U eShop title, have been posted online. There is finally some information available pertaining to gameplay, along with news about how the full experience plays out.

The details are as follows:

– No explicit goal
– Unclear what you’re playing as
– You sit facing your brand new Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace
– The first and only instruction you receive is to start a fire
– After burning the instruction card, you’re essentially alone again
– A letter will appear every so often
– Sugar Plumps is a mysterious neighbor girl
– Weather Man reports with increasing urgency the dire, worsening conditions of the frosty world outside your home
– Burn the letters to make coins appear
– Can purchase items from catalogues
– Items
You burn these letters, and coins appear. With these coins you can purchase items from catalogues, varying items with often surprising abilities, and you burn those too.
– Burning certain items together will fulfill “combinations”
– This is hinted at in-game but isn’t told outright to the player
– Can burn dry ice and a cup of coffee at the same time to make the “Iced Coffee” combination
– Burn a Henry Hatsworth lookalike and some tetrominoes to make the Puzzling Adventure
– Find enough of these combinations and new catalogues become available
– The new items you receive from the catalogues can make new combinations
– Environmental caution is embedded in the game’s concept
– Even though you control a character, you can’t pull your eyes away from the fireplace
– About destruction and isolation


Assassin’s Creed III creative director Alex Hutchinson says that Assassin’s Creed III will be “exactly the same game” on Wii U. Those who purchase the game on the brand new console won’t be experiencing a lesser product in any way.

“I’m super excited whenever we demo the Wii U. It is exactly the same game that’s on the other platforms. And I know that sounds ridiculous, but it’s been a long time since I’ve shipped a game on more than three platforms where you could say it’s all the same. It’s not like some radically diminished version, so that’s exciting.”

Hutchinson has been excited to be working with new hardware:

“It’s always a challenge with new hardware, but it’s also exciting. I love the smell of new plastic, that day you get home with your new piece of kit. And it’s been a long time since we’ve had a new piece of kit.”


Much like its predecessor, Sumo Digital is cramming in a bunch of modes for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. One of the game’s new modes is called “World Tour”.

Details about the mode, courtesy of French gaming site Jeuxvideo, are posted below.

– Set up like a board game
– Each square represents a race challenge
– Earn a bronze, silver, or gold medal in each
– Bronze: pass to the next square
– Need a silver/gold medal to access squares that hold challenges that unlock characters and boss fihgts
– Difficulty varies based on the objective of the challenge

Source, Via

Update: Video is gone now. Hope you watched it while it was up!

It should go without saying that you should be cautious of spoilers…

Nintendo has opened a teaser site for a third Wii U game that is set to come out on launch. You can take a look at the official page for Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge here.

Look for the full site soon.

We’re slowly but surely starting to see more of Burger King’s Wii U toys. Photos of additional ones have emerged, and they’re all in the gallery above.

Keep in mind that the items pictured aren’t the only Wii U toys that the fast food restaurant is offering. In total, ten toys should be made available.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed won’t support voice chat on Wii U. Executive producer Steve Lycett briefly discussed the decision, but has since provided a more in-depth explanation about the missing feature.

Here’s what he had to say:

“…Bear in mind Voice chat is only supported by third party peripherals and then only on the GamePad. Given we felt only a select few players would therefore go buy said peripheral and it meant only one player being able to chat, we opted to spend the time and effort on features more players would enjoy.

“We’ve hardly rushed it out, we’ve attempted to support as many WiiU specifics as we can via the 5 player splitscreen both off and online, WiiU specific game modes, Mii’s with a unique vehicle and more.

“You make these calls with a launch title as you don’t know what kind of uptake a given feature has. Besides, lack of voice chat never hurt Mario Kart Wii eh? :P”


ESRB updates (10/22/12)

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii U | 0 comments

This week’s ESRB updates are as follows:

Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U Edition (Wii U) – T
Travel Adventures with Hello Kitty (DS) – E
Puzzler World XL (DSi/3DS) – E


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